What kind of disturbance did you cause? Were you naughty as a kid?

It didn't take much naughty to start the rumors. Just drive through the village above the speed limit as a teen, yell a few profanities as a minor or drink a beer in the open at any age. (It's a dry village) The old people have little else to occupy their time than to mind everybody's business.
yell a few profanities as a minor or drink a beer in the open at any age.

Cute. Most teens do that. :beer: When was your first fuck?
BBC: Neutrino experiment repeat at Cern finds same result


The team behind the finding in September that neutrinos may travel faster than light has carried out an improved version of their experiment - and found the same result.
If confirmed by other experiments, the find could undermine one of the basic principles of modern physics.

The team behind the finding in September that neutrinos may travel faster than light has carried out an improved version of their experiment - and found the same result.
If confirmed by other experiments, the find could undermine one of the basic principles of modern physics.

Almost as exciting as CDG! But frankly, I'm very suspicious about this result. Those neutrino's seem to go only VERY VERY little faster than light. If they'd have traveled at twice the speed of light, I'd believe it sooner. Whatever is really the case, I doubt it'll save the Euro :Oh well:.
Might bother if it breaks the link between cause and effect Ie the enemy soldier dies before I fire a round at him :-)
Might bother if it breaks the link between cause and effect Ie the enemy soldier dies before I fire a round at him :-)

Whatta rawkin' manHORNY snuffin' comment,
my handsome Celtic kilted soldier mate!!

The Kilted One shows much wisdom......and a hell of a lot more when the wind blows!
Aye read about it in a newspaper - the neutrino time problem :-) If the wind blows everyone gets to see what's under a Scots soldier's kilt right away