I've already promised my corpse to master Stu.

if I can I'll donate my body to you.

That would be very generous of you, thank you.

When you croak CDG members will post hundreds of comments in your thread dedication like they are doing now for Billy.

It will be an honor for me to post some exclusive feet pics and show them your dead toenails. Do you want me to clip your toenails when you die or leave them?
Good or bad, our deaths are certain.

I believe you'll go before me.

I hope you decide to donate your feet to CDG.

I will be super careful and gentle with your toes, I will bathe them with mild soap to remove any smell then store in plastic bag in the freezer.

I could cook your soles with olive oil if Stu wishes a taste.
id love a taste
I would like you to clip my toenails and keep them in a trinket box, so that if my body is lost or taken by the authorities, you'd at least still have that. Put my fingernail clippings, my pubic hair and pictures of my hands and feet in there too.
Dam it!!!! Always missing the online drama!!!!

On a serious note, I myself enjoy Stustustgoos postings. :5 stars: