
Forum Newcomer
Sep 18, 2011
Hi ther I have an interesting mythological aspect of being hanged. The old nors warriors worshiped the war god Odin that himself was hanged to become the god he became. His earthly warriors sacrificed brave opponents by hanging and impaling them, if not killing them in battle. The slain then became members of Odins heavenly army the “Einherjar”. The sources suggests that a warrior in Odins fires earthly army had to be hanged to be allowed membership to the brotherhood of warriors. How about that ;-) Their seems to be a spiritual side to hanging the goes a long way back. /Norslad

I would still prefer to be killed in battle rather than hanged by an enemy however great the honour in terms of afterlife unit posting :) For us Celts the mode of death does not matter - one must die fighting with honour.
Those old Norse Gods were a gloomy lot anyway! The Death of Baldur, Ragnarok and everything! Why couldn't someone come up with a nice, happy religion where evrybody shags like bunnies for all eternity!
I'M with Kilted .... better to die with the enemy's sword in my guts than his lance up my ass. Besides, I would want to take a few of them with me.
What you say is interesting Samnite............but a lance up the ass!.............mmmmmhhhhhh!!!!!!!!..........impalement does have a certain hard and dirty appeal to it!
Hey ther samnitewarrior. A guy in a kilt haning with his spear in is guy.... Sounds good to me ;-)
Hey Nors - we warriors are all for going to Valhalla when it is our time, we just want to do it in battle, slaying as many enemy as we can, rather than being executed :yes:
Even in lynchings, it is evident from post cards in that period - the people showed some respect for the hanging corpse (spirituality?)
yep I think so... The hanged wher is some way "magical" they wher assosiatet with secreat knowalge...
So if anyone whant to understand more what I'm trying to say... Se my recon-profile with the same nick...
not really into hanging but some very interesting comments , thanks .
Nice bit of information ;). Makes me think of those mummies they have found in the bogs that were brutally killed before hand.