there were more than three beheadings - I wonder what they did with the heads?
Thanks metal. Six decapitados all beautifully done - each one over in about 30 seconds. Pity we didn't get to see the seventh dude offed 'cos he was a beauty. This vid definitely caused me to mess my undies - now I'm off to change.
Thanks metal. Six decapitados all beautifully done - each one over in about 30 seconds. Pity we didn't get to see the seventh dude offed 'cos he was a beauty. This vid definitely caused me to mess my undies - now I'm off to change.

This vid definitely caused me to mess my trackies. I was sick on them...
too bad the video wasn't a little more clear for us to see the true beauty of the dudes beheaded...the first and the fourth one looked good looking
The extraordinary thing about this vid is how passive the victims are and how little distress they exhibit. They seem resigned to their fate. The executions are relatively quick - the first looked to be only 12 seconds and none appeared to be longer than 25 seconds.
Wery good observation, Jamie. Maybe they was stoned with some drug. Or, the are wery tired, raptors used denial of sleep some days before the execution. This also are a good explain about rapid death of victims.