Russia Cuts off Gas Supplies for the Balkans


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
I am cold. My feet are cold, pale almost yellow.

Its -15'C outside with deep snow. There is no central heating in Sofia.

Russian prime minister, or as the BBC still call him, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered all all gas supplies to be stopped for the Balkans.

Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia are without gas as of today.

There is great panic in Sofia, as the central heating stopped, factories closed, schools will close too and people in hospitals are at a great danger.

Bitterly cold weather is making the situation extremely difficult.

That big bully Russia is playing a sick game with people's lives.

The EU is so stupid as they can't find alternative sources, or at least alternative routes, so Russia bullies the whole of Europe.

Unfortunately we were the first to fall victims of their row with Ukraine.

Ukraine has gas supplies of its own but Bulgaria relies 100% on Russian gas.


Putin is worse than Stalin I am sick of his sick games, he killed politkovskaya and poisoned Litvinenko.
I knew he was terrible from the time he attacked Georgia. I hate him too! I haven't heard anything about this in the news. I hope someone does something about it. He's a troublemaker.
I am surprised you haven't heard about this, its one of the most read stories on the BBC NEWS website for a second day...together with the conflict in Gaza.

Seems the whole of Europe has been affected.

Bulgaria is badly hit as we rely entirely on Russia for our gas.

I survive entirely on Solar radiation, after the blizzard last week its sunny now but still cold.
I wish you were closer, Meat - I'd keep you warm myself!
Cold weather and no gas in Europe.

hey, yes today they showed it in the news, NBC and CNN about the gas cut by (Ras)-Putin. also the suspension of classes in Bulgaria, they showed all covered in snow and no gas for heating and some students in Sofia inside the classrooms with parkas and overcoats.. brrr.......hope the gas goes back soon. Keep youserlf warm MP if not you´re more than welcomed in Florida. here is never cold.
they showed all covered in snow and no gas for heating and some students in Sofia inside the classrooms with parkas and overcoats..

Good. Now you know what being close to Russia feels like, they bully small countries for everything.

This is Russian terror on our society, it was the same during communism. The EU is helpless against Russia because they need their gas too.

Keep youserlf warm MP if not you´re more than welcomed in Florida. here is never cold.

Hope Obama lifts visa restrictions, I am definately leaving this shithole.

I wanna see a real hurricane in Florida :sm (32):
I hope it will pass, they are busy with talks and such, and I hope you get warm again...

I am glad our little country has a huge reserve of Natural Gas on our own. We even sell it to others, because we have so much!!!

Perhaps you should ask your government for Dutch gas? It is the best!!!

Otherwise, you are more then welcome to warm your feet by my central heating with some hot chocolate and a

I envy you. I checked and indee the Netherlands has one of the largest gas fields in Europe.

Its a bad situation here man. I will be leaving Sofia tomorrow. Don't know when I will be back :(

I will miss you.
I hope it will pass, they are busy with talks and such, and I hope you get warm again...

I am glad our little country has a huge reserve of Natural Gas on our own. We even sell it to others, because we have so much!!!

Perhaps you should ask your government for Dutch gas? It is the best!!!

Otherwise, you are more then welcome to warm your feet by my central heating with some hot chocolate and a

Entilzha, I notice in your many frequnetly interesting posts that you take every opportunity to extoll the greatness of the Netherlands, inferring that the rest of us are rather unfortunate not be living there. Patriotism and pride in one's country is a good thing which I will never put down, but I lived in the Netherlands for 6 months: a gun-toting and rude policeforce, suburbs bursting full of disaffected, intensely homophobic muslims who spit on the road in front of you, getting accosted by heroin/ cocaine/ knife dealers every time one goes out, and worst of all, those fucking Dutch toilets with an INSPECTION SHELF for your shit:

Who the hell wants to inspect or smell their excrement

Having said that, caucasian Dutch guys are usually very attractive - blond hair and tanned skin and all that

a gun-toting and rude policeforce, suburbs bursting full of disaffected, intensely homophobic muslims who spit on the road in front of you, getting accosted by heroin/ cocaine/ knife dealers every time one goes out, and worst of all, those fucking Dutch toilets with an INSPECTION SHELF for your shit:

Who the hell wants to inspect or smell their excrement

Having said that, caucasian Dutch guys are usually very attractive - blond hair and tanned skin and all that

As if the UK is a better place. It's even worse then here....Hooliganism, Terrorist hits and being the lapdog of the US....

Even your Pound is less worth then the Euro, making everything more expensive....

Ah well, I am happy where I live....
As if the UK is a better place. It's even worse then here....Hooliganism, Terrorist hits and being the lapdog of the US....

Even your Pound is less worth then the Euro, making everything more expensive....

Ah well, I am happy where I live....

We're not all lapdogs, and we do have hills - the one reason i wouldn't be happy in the Netherlands, sounds a good country in most other ways
What is the meaning of lapdogs here?
I remember walking home once night in central Amsterdam and I came across this guy in his forties or fifties in a collapsed state on the street. He was conscious but confused. It was in Jan, very cold - I thought he was a risk of hypothermia. Just then two motorcycle cops drove slowly by on their big flashy motor bikes. I called out to them for assistence and they just looked at the two of use and drove on by. I was shocked by the disregard they showed, and was left to deal with this guy on my own.

Then there was the time I reported the theft of my new bike only to be told ""so what" by the lady policewomen behind the counter. Literally they were her words. Such professionalism. Such monumental indifference to public service!

As an addendum, yes, the UK has many societal problems - not least the fact that its citizens keep blowing the place up: the Northern Irish republicans of the 70's and 80's, the SoHo bomber of the 90's and lately of course, our muslim friends up north. So I accept your criticism. By the way, I'm not british --I'm only here for the London gay scene