I am very sad with the way things are going on Earth.
Not only have we poisoned our home planet but we are slaughtering thousands of marine animals, shark fin soup is now so popular in China that some scientists say sharks may become extinct in a few years.
Bees are dying around the world, no one knows why.
Amazon jungle is set on fire every day to "make room" for agriculture.
Tons of toxic waste, plastics, chemicals are dumped into the world's oceans every year.
This planet just can't take it anymore and there will be major devastation on an epic scale and we are now seeing the beginning of a global catastrophe - economic collapse combined with wars, peak oil will push prices so high mass starvation will begin.
it's survival of the fittest (richest) at it's finest.
Darwin's theory of evolution on a new level.
Human against human.
Poor nations go first - Arab world and Africa then moving to Europe.
The United States will go bakrupt, European Nations are already bankrupt.
Politicans are hiding the true scale of things - that those bailouts they gave to Greece and Ireland are just temporary measures to postpone the meltdown.
Greece has now borrowed so much many in bailouts it will take several generations to repay all it's debt.
We are a doomed species on a planet that is doomed, clearly there are not enough resources for all, this planet can no longer sustain s growing human population.
Unless there is a green revolution and humans learn to live in harmony with nature there will be a catastrophe - both natural disasters and man made.
Large numbers of people need to die quickly those who remain will be able to build a new
society that will live in harmony with itself and with nature.