
Forum Regular
Aug 18, 2011
just a random question. i love giving lovebites on guys necks, so i can taste the blood, i also like getting bites on my neck, by guys biting me hard. anyone else like lovebites/hickies?
Yes! Anythyng to do wyth bytyng or beyng bytten, drawyng blood, beyng tasted. Lyke to thynk of myself as a pyece of meat haha. Beyng helplessly tyed down lyke a hog and taken advantage of.

Do you also lyke CBT?
Love to bite, esp. nips, neck and throat (feeling my lips around an Adam's apple gets me off in no time), but I never draw blood (you might need a scarf for a few days).
I lurve lovebites! Not drawing blood but definitely leaving a mark. Don't know what CBT is, lil' help somebody! And Y love your otherworldly manner of speakyng Sophya, yt ys quyte delyghtful!
I love biting to draw blood on my cock and or balls
I lurve lovebites! Not drawing blood but definitely leaving a mark. Don't know what CBT is, lil' help somebody! And Y love your otherworldly manner of speakyng Sophya, yt ys quyte delyghtful!

And your posts sound very cute and erotyc. And why do you love to byte so much? :stroke: