A Vampire Finds a Bite to Eat


Forum Resident
Jan 3, 2011

Josh was walking home from the coffee shop where he worked as a barrista when he saw the beautiful stranger waiting at the crosswalk. Tall with dark hair and blue eyes, he appeared to be just a couple of years older than Josh, just his type. He wondered if the guy was even gay, much less willing to go somewhere and have passionate sex. But when the stranger looked him in the eye and gave a slight smile Josh was sure he was at least interested. He started to follow the stranger instead of taking his usual way home. At last they ended up walking down a deserted street, almost an alley. That was when the stranger stopped and turned to look Josh up and down. It was almost like he was undressing Josh with his eyes. Josh’s cock got hard inside his jeans.

Then the stranger spoke, his voice deep and sexy, saying, "You are a handsome young man. I would like to fuck you."

Josh was totally taken aback by this man's forwardness. He wanted it, wanted this man to take him, but he still had enough of his senses left to say, "What makes you think I am gay? Or that I would even want to be fucked by you?"

The stranger smiled at this and said, "I know you are gay. I could sense that about you from down the street. You are just my type. I don't intend to hurt you, and I will make sure you enjoy it, but I am going to have you."

Voltan was right. Josh was gay and did want to be fucked, especially by this handsome stranger. It was almost like he had cast a spell over Josh and he no longer had any will of his own. Josh found himself following the stranger to a cheap motel not far from where they met. He didn't even know the guy's name, or tell him his own. It was like there was a haze over his mind that made him willing to do anything this man asked.

He wanted to ask the guy his name, but he also didn't care what it was, just that he would fuck him. All he wanted was this man's cock inside of him. When they got to the room he was willing to get on the bed and wait. He wanted it so bad that he was willing to let the man do anything he wanted to him. He was so excited that his cock was leaking pre-cum and he felt it running down the inside of his leg.

Josh waited for the stranger on the bed. He was nervous, but knew that he would soon have the strangers cock inside of him. He wanted that more than anything, so he was willing to ignore the sense of danger he felt. When the man came out of the bathroom he had a look in his eyes that scared Josh, but that was overridden by his desire for the guy's cock. Josh spread his legs as the stranger pulled his jeans down and off. The stranger undressed quickly and got onto the bed. Then he took the lube that he had brought and poured some onto his finger and slipped it into Josh. He added more lube and another finger, loosening Josh up.

Josh closed his eyes and let the stranger prepare him. He could feel his cock leaking pre-cum onto his belly, and when the stranger pushed his cock into Josh, Josh's cock shot its load, spraying cum all over his chest and stomach. Josh could feel the stranger's cock inside him and he wanted him to fuck him hard and fast, but the stranger went slowly, teasing him by going slowly in and out. Josh was frustrated by this and tried to push himself harder onto the stranger's cock, but he held Josh's hips and kept control.

Then Josh felt the man's cock grow and start to shoot his load inside Josh. Josh could feel the warmth of the man's cum, and thought that he had cum inside him. When the stranger pulled out of Josh, Josh looked down at his cock, seeing that it was still rock hard and leaking pre-cum. It wasn't until the man started kissing and licking Josh's cum off his belly, and then moved up to kiss Josh on the lips, that Josh realized that he hadn't cum inside him, but was still hard and ready to go again. The stranger must have the power to prolong his ejaculations because Josh knew he should have gone soft after shooting his load.

The stranger turned Josh over on the bed so that he was on his hands and knees with his ass sticking up in the air. He entered Josh again, this time in a rough and fast pace, slamming his cock in and out. Josh could feel the stranger's cock growing and expanding inside of him, getting bigger and harder, until it felt like it was going to tear him in half. He tried to pull away, but the man was holding him tightly by the hips and pushing his cock deeper into Josh. Then he felt the man's cock start to spasm and shoot his load. This time he did cum inside of Josh, and Josh could feel the warm cum filling him.

When the stranger pulled his cock out of Josh, Josh looked down between his legs and saw the cum leaking out of him. He then felt the man's tongue on his hole, licking up the cum and pushing his tongue deep inside of him. When he had finished, the stranger turned Josh over again, so that he was lying on his back on the bed. The stranger then got on the bed and knelt over Josh. Then he sat down, impaling himself on Josh's cock, and started rocking up and down, riding Josh's cock.

Josh's cock grew harder and harder, as he watched the man ride him, and he started to cum, shooting his load deep inside the stranger. Then the stranger leaned over and kissed Josh, letting his tongue into Josh's mouth. Josh could taste his cum, mixed with the strangers, and he loved it. The stranger's cock was rock hard and dripping pre-cum, and when Josh reached out to stroke it, the stranger moaned and began to thrust into his hand. As he was stroking the stranger's cock, he felt it begin to expand and grow. The man's orgasm came soon after, his cum spurting onto Josh's chest and stomach.

The stranger then laid down beside Josh and pulled him close, holding him in his arms. They were both sticky with cum, but Josh didn't care. All he wanted was to be held by this stranger. He didn't even know the stranger's name, but that didn't matter. He was content to lay there, his head on the stranger's chest. He thought it strange that he didn’t hear a heartbeat. But he was too in the stranger’s control to care.He was starting to drift off to sleep when he felt the stranger's cock growing again, pressing against his hip. Then he felt the stranger's lips on his neck, kissing him softly. He turned his head, allowing the stranger to kiss him more deeply.

He felt the stranger's tongue in his mouth, tasting him, and then he felt the man's teeth graze his bottom lip. He pulled away from the stranger and looked into his eyes. The stranger looked at him with lust and desire in his eyes, but Josh saw something else as well. It was hunger and that scared Josh. He tried to pull away, but the stranger held him tightly, pulling him closer. Then he felt the stranger bite into his neck, piercing his skin. He felt the warm blood begin to flow from the wound, and then he felt the stranger begin to suck on the wound.

Josh could feel his strength fading, as the stranger drank his blood. He tried to pull away, but he was too weak to break free from the stranger's grasp. Then the stranger let go of his neck and turned his attention to Josh's cock. He began to suck on Josh's cock, teasing it with his tongue and lips. Josh felt his body begin to respond, his cock growing hard. He felt the stranger's mouth moving lower, licking his balls and then sucking them into his mouth. Josh was so turned on that he didn't even notice that the stranger had bitten him again, this time on his thigh. He was so close to coming that he didn't even care.

Josh moaned and writhed beneath the stranger, enjoying the feeling of the stranger's mouth on his cock. When he came, the stranger swallowed his cum, taking it all in.

When the stranger finished, he pulled away from Josh and sat up on the bed. Josh could see that he was still hard and dripping pre-cum. Josh was still in a haze, but he was able to sit up on the bed and take the stranger's cock in his hand. He started stroking it, rubbing the pre-cum over the head of the stranger's cock. He could feel the stranger's cock growing and pulsing in his hand.

Josh continued to stroke the stranger's cock until he felt it begin to spasm, shooting his load onto Josh's chest and stomach. The stranger lay back on the bed and pulled Josh down on top of him, kissing him deeply. Josh could taste his own cum in the stranger's mouth, but he didn't care. All he cared about was pleasing this stranger. He continued to stroke the stranger's cock, even after it had stopped shooting its load.

Josh looked up at the stranger, seeing the lust and desire in his eyes. He knew that the stranger wanted more from him, but he was too weak to resist. The stranger rolled Josh onto his back, holding him down with one hand. He then slid his cock into Josh's ass, fucking him hard and fast. Josh could feel the stranger's cock growing inside him, filling him completely. He tried to push the stranger off him, but he was too weak to fight back. The stranger continued to fuck him, slamming his cock deep inside Josh's ass.

Josh could feel his body responding to the stranger, his cock growing hard, but he knew that he couldn't come, that the stranger had taken control of his body and was controlling him. He was helpless to stop the stranger from fucking him, and he could feel the stranger's cock growing larger and harder inside him, until it felt like it was going to tear him apart. Josh could feel himself getting close to coming, but he couldn't come until the stranger allowed him to.

The stranger continued to fuck him, thrusting his cock deeper and deeper into Josh's ass. Josh could feel the stranger's cock growing larger and harder inside him, and he could feel his own cock growing and pulsing. The stranger continued to fuck him, pushing his cock deep into Josh's ass, until Josh could feel the stranger's cock start to spasm and shoot its load deep inside him. The stranger pulled out of Josh's ass and then moved his hand to Josh's cock, stroking it until Josh came, shooting his load onto his stomach.

After Josh had finished coming, the stranger lay down next to him and held him close.

“Do you know what I am, and what I want from you?” the stranger whispered in his ear.

Josh nodded, still in a haze. He knew the stranger was a vampire, and that he had fed on Josh.

"I'm not going to turn you into a vampire, but I am going to feed on your blood. You will give me your blood willingly. Do you understand?"

Josh nodded again, unable to speak.

Voltan held Josh tightly, kissing him deeply, his tongue exploring Josh's mouth. Josh could feel his cock growing hard and he wanted more, but he knew that it would never happen. The stranger would feed on him and leave him dead.

Voltan broke the kiss and looked into Josh's eyes, seeing the desire and lust there.

"You want more, don't you?"

Josh nodded.

"But you don’t get what you want. I get what I want. And I want all of you, your blood, your heart, your life. I’ve given you your pleasure. Are you ready for me to take what is mine?”

Josh didn’t understand. He had no choice, he was completely under the vampire's power.

"I will take your blood, your heart, and your life, and you will enjoy it. You will beg for me to take you."

Josh couldn’t believe what he was hearing, but he knew that it was true. He knew that he was going to die, but he didn’t care. All that mattered was pleasing the stranger.

The stranger moved closer to Josh, looking deep into his eyes.

"You are mine now. You belong to me. I will take you, and you will give yourself to me."

Josh was powerless to resist. He knew that he would give himself to the stranger. He wanted it, needed it. The stranger moved closer, pressing his body against Josh's. He could feel the stranger's cock pressing against his thigh. He wanted it, wanted it inside him. But the fucking was over. All he could give the beautiful vampire now was to allow him to feed on him, to eat and drink what he wanted.

Josh felt the stranger's lips on his neck, kissing him softly. Then he felt the stranger's teeth graze his skin. He knew what was coming, and he was powerless to stop it. The stranger bit into his neck, piercing his skin. He felt the warm blood begin to flow from the wound, and then he felt the stranger begin to suck on the wound. He could feel his strength fading, as the stranger drank his blood. He tried to pull away, but he was too weak to break free from the stranger's grasp.

Josh knew that the stranger was going to kill him, that he was going to drain his blood and eat his heart. But he didn't care. All he wanted was to give himself to the stranger, to give him what he wanted. The stranger pulled away from his neck, and looked into his eyes. Josh could see the hunger and desire in the stranger's eyes. He knew that he was going to die, but he didn't care. All that mattered was pleasing the stranger.

The stranger leaned in and kissed Josh deeply, his tongue exploring Josh's mouth. Josh could taste his own blood in the stranger's mouth, and he loved it. The stranger broke the kiss and moved lower, kissing his way down Josh's body. He licked and kissed Josh's nipples, teasing them with his tongue and teeth. Josh could feel his cock growing hard, and he knew that the stranger could feel it too. The stranger continued to kiss and lick Josh's body, moving lower and lower, until he reached Josh's cock.

The stranger licked the head of Josh's cock, tasting his pre-cum. Josh moaned, wanting more. The stranger took Josh's cock into his mouth, sucking it slowly, teasing him with his tongue. Josh could feel his orgasm building, and he wanted to come, but he knew that the stranger wouldn't allow it. The stranger continued to suck Josh's cock, taking him deeper and deeper into his mouth. And then he bit down, with teeth sharp as knives, and sucked down the blood that was keeping Josh’s cock hard.

As Josh's blood flowed out of his cock, the stranger swallowed it, drinking every last drop. Josh felt his strength fading, as his life blood was drained from him. He tried to pull away, but he was too weak to fight back. The stranger continued to suck his cock, taking all of his blood. He licked Josh’s body once again, until he was teasing the left nipple, just over Josh’s beating heart. Josh was young and strong, even with his blood drained like it was, there was still much life left in him for Voltan to take. The stranger bit down hard, piercing Josh's skin and then tore open the flesh to reveal the ribs that covered the beating heart underneath. Josh gasped and moaned, knowing his death was near. Voltan grabbed the ribs with both hands and pulled them apart. Josh could feel his heart being pulled from his chest, the pain excruciating. The stranger pulled the heart free, and held it in front of Josh's face.

Josh looked on in horror as the stranger bit into his heart, taking a huge bite and swallowing it whole. He then took another bite, and another, until Josh's heart was gone. Josh knew that it was over, that his life was over, but he didn't care. All he cared about was pleasing the stranger, and he knew that he had done that.

The stranger moved closer to Josh, looking deep into his eyes.

"You have pleased me, Josh. You have given yourself to me, and I have taken you. I have taken your blood, your heart and your life. You are mine now, Josh, and you will always be mine."

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