Is this one in the middle of German Village? I knew a gay couple in German Village, and somebody was planning to open a crematory facility right next to their house. Pretty much everybody in the neighborhood signed a petition against the crematory, but the gay video store in the Short North wasn't against the idea of having a crematory. That was pretty interesting.
I Googled, and it is not in German Village, but it is in the area.
The State of Ohio told them that they could not perform liquid cremations because there is no state regulation. I think it is just political interference backed by other funeral homes. There is big money to be made from processing the dead. This new process could be a threat by allowing bodies to be disposed of cheaply. The chemicals are common, the same ingredients used in drain cleaner. Maybe when the technology becomes more advanced, a funeral home wont even be needed. You'll go into a place that looks like a laundromat, drop your departed loved one into a machine and put fifty bucks in the slot. It could play a short dirge when finished. People may finally realize what a rip off funeral homes are.