
Morgue Intrude
Staff member
Sep 7, 2010
(Sorry my English, guys)

When President Obama yesterday confirmed its support for gay marriage was historic event, a before and after in the history of this particular struggle. But above all, unknowingly, Obama was putting the finishing touches on a rough personal history. Without meaning to, has given meaning to a tragedy that takes days to circulate, as one of the most viral of our days, social networking.

This is the story of Shane Bitney Cone, a Californian who a few days ago published a YouTube video titled I might happen to you: in it, tells exciting stories of his relationship with Tom Bridegroom. "We set up a business, buy a house and traveled around the world together," he says, illustrating every detail with photos.

Then the couple decided to come out and confess that they were a couple for their families. The Shane accepted it without problems and congratulated him. Tom's, however, reacted not equal. "His father pulled a gun and attacked him physically. His mother scolded him have told him before not to cure," he tells Shane.

So Tom turned away from his family during the next two years. Did not see then or never see them again. On May 7, 2011 fell off a roof and died. Shane lost the love of his life, but this would be the worst that would happen. Tom's mother forced him to pay the funeral and burial expenses but forbade him to attend the funeral: her husband and his brother would be waiting for him armed. Tom's body was fired without mentioning the most important man in her life.

For comfort, Shane tried to go to hospital to give him more information about the death of his partner. Also there refused: Legally you can only give that information to family members. Would have to contact the family. "To the family of Tom, I did not exist. For the government, we were just roommates," says Shane in the video.

And then came the epiphany.

"Perhaps part of the reason why all this happened ... I have to open my eyes and gather strength to change things and fight for equality," because Shane. "I have to fight for what is right. I have to fight for what I believe."

On May 7, 2012, a year after the death of her lover, Shane released his video, claiming that the government recognize him as couples and marriages. He ran like wildfire through social networks. Two days later, the U.S. president was pronounced to make the same change that for him, justified the loss of Tom. It was a coincidence, surely. But surely Shane, widowed in all senses except legal, sleep better since.

Wow, powerful and sad. Great video and great message.