id hang him upside down from his feet. i'd rub his cock till it got hard. then i'd slit open his throat from ear to ear deeply and suck his cock as he took his last breaths. then i'd stick a rod down his throat into his stomach and scramble his intestines till they poured out his throat. If any remained in his stomach, id slice it open and pull them out by hand. then lowering his body. i'd take a scapel and remove his balls. then sew it sac closed as well as his throat. i'd pull out his nipple rings and add them to my collection. after washing his body clean, id kiss it all over. then i'd inject him with a solution to preserve his body and keep him as a plaything till i got bored of him, in which i'd despose of him by putting a apple in his mouth and tieing his feet and hands together and put him in a refigurator and lay it on it's side in the middle of a highway for someone to find. i'd hold on to his dna so that if i can ever clone him, i could kill him a differant way every night.