Oh metal, I guess you are right. This is a horribly complicated subjcet to discuss. I am so sorry about the suicide attack at Atocha Station. Four Bulgarians were killed in Madrid, we had three days of mourning here.
I myself have taken part in many protests in Sofia against the war in Iraq. The United Stated dominates world order, nothing small countries can do.
In my view the world is horribly divided place, it's the ultimate clash of civilzations. Rich Western nations against barbaric islamic countries like Iran.
The world is falling apart metal before our very eyes.
Prices are shooting up across the globe. Inflation is pumping up, pushing millions into starvation.
Riots are taking place every day.
My country is next, you will see on the news if prices continue to rise people will begin to starve and take to the streets like in Tunisia.
The problem with terrorism in Russia won't be resolved anytime soon, islam is such a horrible religion, it glorifies sacrafice and death in the name of Allah.
More terrorists will attack, suicide bombers ready to die for their God.