
Dec 23, 2011
I like this site because of the participation and community. Is there anything even remotely similar for the other half? I haven't found anything matching the level of friendliness found here, but maybe I just suck at finding communities.

If anyone can offer pointers to other places to check out, you can post it here or send me a PM.

Glad you enjoy our website Attica, CDG is unique in every respect and we even have a big dead girls thread as you may have already noticed.
I like this site because of the participation and community. Is there anything even remotely similar for the other half? I haven't found anything matching the level of friendliness found here, but maybe I just suck at finding communities.

If anyone can offer pointers to other places to check out, you can post it here or send me a PM.


Hey attica - Meatpie is correct - CDG stands alone. Its not just great quality stuff (which is good to have) but it really is a great community too. Our members can join in and enjoy the site to the extent they wish. For those with a preference for dead females, they can develop that thread as fully as they like - if they wish.

In terms of 'friendliness' I know of no equivalent to CDG - I have made many good friends here - and continue to do so, and our PM system enables us to have private conversations with each other too.

So you may have trouble finding other equivalent communites - but feel free to settle in here and make friends - enjoy the site- and develop those areas which you particularly enjoy. :group:
Hello ladies (if they are) and gentelmen
You know, I dream about movies exactly like morbidtech ("dead corpse" undress and examination in morgue) but with the girls in the main role on the table. (and with a man but with a womans as a coroner also) I know that the ruemorgue and PKF making really wonderfull movies about it but in morbidtech it is a little diffrent, more "brutally" presented. Quickly cutting clothes, no tenderness, no nicety. I miss there only "autopsy cuts" a marker or something like that. I wonder about finding in poland girls who agreed to be "dead" and making movies exactly like morbidtech (+ autopsy "cut") but probably nothing of this dream will not come out.
salute and forgive me my perfect english :D
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I too wish to support that dream, but I am in the United States unfortunately.
Hey, man.

I agree with you. I think is missing some group with naked females on the morgue table. Unfortunately the group called morbidgirls never existed, but was in the plans of manager of morbidtech group. Now morbidtech is dead. I´d like to produce a group with morgue fetish if i had money. Sorry my english too.