I believe that the administrators of this website make it clear that we're all engaged in a fantasy and/or fetish whenever we're reading or posting here. Even comments such as "real" and "IRL" are intended to be interpreted as part of the fantasy and not ever true and accurate except in our fantasy lives. And that includes statements made in private mail. I've also understood that every photo is a link to a public publication from a newspaper or other public forum that was originally printed because the editors of that publication determined that it would be a matter of general public interest. All other photos are manipulations and artwork. We all agreed that this is a fetish no different than any other fetish commonly recognized as such. And in my participation I absolutely believed that I was at all times in lawful compliance of the spirit and intent of all prohibitions of such restrictions in every jurisdiction that this website may be monitored. At least that has been my understanding. Also, I've always understood that privacy is strictly enforced. If my participation here has in any way been inaccurate I will promptly disengage in any participation here, and disavow any of my comments or viewing.