A young intern is knocked out then strangled by a masked psychopath, who strips him and takes his identity in order to seduce and strangle college students with appointments for their sports physicals...
"Young Doctor Attacked Chloroformed Stripped And Strangled By Crazed Impostor"
In the story... the dead young intern is about to be toetagged when they are interrupted by a college student arriving as a patient.
I won't tell you what happens.... but it isn't too good for the college student.....
In the story... the dead young intern is about to be toetagged when they are interrupted by a college student arriving as a patient.
I won't tell you what happens.... but it isn't too good for the college student..... View attachment 54909View attachment 54910View attachment 54911
The story continues... as the young unsuspecting patient is brought into the exam room expecting to be examined by the young intern... instead he is chloroformed, stripped and strangled by a crazed lunatic disguised as a doctor.....
College Student Trapped, Chloroformed Stripped And Strangled By Crazed Doctor www.bestdeaths.com
The story continues... as the young unsuspecting patient is brought into the exam room expecting to be examined by the young intern... instead he is chloroformed, stripped and strangled by a crazed lunatic disguised as a doctor.....
I definitely agree! For me I like it a lot more when the victims are straight tough men and not the wimpy gay guys (no offense), it jus is much hotter when it's a straight dude struggling or getting strangled!