Newest Trailer from GuerillaThrillas

Okay - that's the film I want! lots of knockouts and kills and beautiful bare and socked feet. Still a lot of girls in the mix, but a lot of guy-on-guy kills too. Do you have to order this one direct from Guerrillathrillas? I notice it isn't available on the Serialkillersunderground
These are great. I love the idea...freshly knocked out guys with nice warm feet to play with.
Okay - that's the film I want! lots of knockouts and kills and beautiful bare and socked feet. Still a lot of girls in the mix, but a lot of guy-on-guy kills too. Do you have to order this one direct from Guerrillathrillas? I notice it isn't available on the Serialkillersunderground

Not sure...I just saw the trailer on youtube...maybe try leave a message on their youtube page