Excellent, love your stuff. Looking forward to the full video.

A lot of people around here seem to use www.videobam.com, not as open to the public as xtube but less likely to get censored. Anyway, keep up the good work.
Thanks for the hosting site suggestion...I have used it before. If xtube censors me again, I'll do that. My videos now have a disclaimer saying that it is fantasy play.

Still looking for a serious KO player who would enjoy some play and doesn't mind being filmed.
Yeah man! I like to think the guy being played with is a supervisor of the other two, or some other kind of authority figure, and this is all some great revenge!
Amazing videos i like this very much!! when i can found full version of double ko ?? thanks
moscowmikey may make more video if we could pay for watch. that's the most amazing REAL KO video on the internet so far.
if iw as in moscow yes
johnnyrd...you're pretty close...I'm about 2 hrs from the alberta/canadian border.....
muy interesantes tus videos y muy hot es de los mejores
Your welcome! The remaining videos that have not been banned from xtube are available for free to watch...just type in moscowmikey in the search field and you will find maybe 8 or 10 of them.