Meatpie's Atlas of Forensic Medicine

The mutilated remains of a homosexual victim recovered from the Hudson River. A serial killer had killed this victim. This serial murder case was the basis for the movie “Cruising.” Note the “cock ring” recovered from the victim’s body. The body had been mutilated and dumped into the river to prevent identifcation. The cock ring indicated that the victim was into heavy S&M activities.


This photo illustrates the appearance of a crime scene indoors involving a high velocity weapon. The man had placed the 0.06 rife into his mouth. Note that the entire mouth and major portion of the victim’s skull are absent secondary to gunshot wound through the mouth.

Homicide Made to Appear an Accident

Police were summoned to a home of a woman who reported that there had been a shooting. Te victim, a 26-year-old white male, was a friend of the woman. He had been watching the woman’s children while she went out drinking with a couple of other males. When the police arrived, they observed the victim sitting on the living room couch, with a gun cradled in his right hand. The victim’s right thumb was inside the trigger guard. He had sufered a bullet wound to the lef side of his nose and the exit wound was in the upper part of the back of the head. The magazine for the gun had been removed and the ejected shell casing was approximately 6 feet away from where the victim sat. An examination of the wound structure indicated no stippling or soot on the wound; there was no evidence of blowback in the barrel of the gun.

The police were informed by the two males that the deceased had been “playing” with the gun, which belonged to one of the reporting males, and had accidentally shot himself in the face. A uniform lieutenant in charge of the scene decided that there was not any need for detective response. His decision was based on an administrative policy that discouraged overtime. Rather than authorize overtime response for investigators, he had the case classifed as an accidental shooting.

The next day, the homicide detectives reviewed the case and examined the crime scene photographs. Their opinion was that the circumstances as described by the reporting ofcer and witnesses were not consistent with the elements of the crime scene. They initiated an investigation and tested the suspected weapon, which revealed that the gun must have been fred at least 42 inches away from the deceased’s face. The discharged rounds did not eject, but had to be manually removed from the breech. Removing the magazine required both hands. Gunshot residue (GSR) testing of the deceased’s hands proved negative.

The investigators reinterviewed the woman and the reporting witnesses. The males were confronted with the facts of the case as well as their inconsistent statements. It was learned that all of the parties had been drinking. A gun was pulled out by one of the males, who stated that the gun had accidentally discharged hitting the victim in the face. They had panicked and decided to make it appear that the deceased had shot himself. Afer they “staged” the scene, they called the police and the ambulance. Both subjects were charged with murder. They were indicted for involuntary manslaughter. The male who had done the shooting pled guilty to manslaughter and weapon possession.
This photo illustrates decomposition, skin slippage, lividity, and marbling. The frst officers responsibility here is to simply to document the scene upon their arrival and ascertain whether anything was touched, moved, or altered in any way.

The body of a man who had overdosed on methadone and had gone into gross decomposition. Skin blisters resembling peeling sunburn and flled with watery fuid and putrefactive gases appear on the skin, which has darkened.

Man Filmed his Own Suicide with Nitrous Oxide in California

The victim was a white male, 37 years of age, living alone in a large apartment complex. The body had begun to decompose and was bloated with skin slippage and swollen genitalia. The ofcer noted that the victim was wearing a pilot-type oxygen mask, which was attached to his mouth and nose. There was a long black hose that lead from the facemask to a colored balloon. The victim also had a black nontransparent set of goggles covering his eyes. There was a Sony video camera pointed toward the victim, whose body was facing a mirror, as if he was watching himself. The tape showed the victim leaning over and flling up the balloon with gas. Autopsy examination revealed that the victim was inhaling nitrous oxide.
Amazing Autoerotic Death Case of a Gay Pedo

Police officers were summoned to a residence to check on the welfare of a man who had not reported to work for 3 days. There was no response at his home. Officers were able to enter the premises via a closed and unlocked window. The interior of the home, which was unkempt, was putrid. The victim’s two dogs had relieved themselves throughout the home. Nothing appeared to be removed or disturbed. When the officers checked the basement of the home, they discovered the dead 48-year-old, white, male victim.

He was found burned and chained to a metal support column beneath a beam. The deceased was chained in an upright position. He had Darby cuffs securing his feet, with a chain running from those Darby cuffs to his handcuffed hands and then to the top of the metal support column, where it was affixed to a padlock. Above his knees was another chain hooked with a clasp at his waist. A third chain wrapped around him and the pole and was secured with another small padlock.

There were severe burns to the waist, chest, upper thighs, feet, and arms. A charred piece of cloth was wrapped around his penis, with the remnant of burned cloth at his feet. Soot was present in the mouth, lips, and teeth as well as around his nostrils. The Darby cuffs on his feet did not have a key, and one could not be located in
the area of the decedent. A handcuff key was also not present. The crime scene was searched, and the following items were discovered on the floor by the decedent’s feet: some burnt cloth and ash, medical forceps, a glass “crack” pipe, electrical cord, a tow strap, a paper cup, a plastic bottle, and a cigarette lighter.

There was a dresser next to the victim’s body. On the top of the dresser was a candle and melted candle wax and a set of keys for the padlocks; the dresser appeared to have been kicked back from its original position. The area in the basement around the victim contained the following items: a large mirror facing the deceased, a pair of pliers, a screwdriver, a hand drill, bolt cutters, cords, strapping material, and a weight bench.

The death was considered highly suspicious, so the body was transported along with the cuffs on his ankles and hands and the attached chains to the medical examiner’s office. Toxicology indicated the presence of cocaine.

Interviews of family members and neighbors revealed that the deceased had been caught in the past by his mother while he was engaged in sexual gratification using handcuffs. This was important information in the final analysis of the manner of death. The deceased basically kept to himself; he lived alone and did not date.

On occasion, he would have some friends over from work to play poker. Interviews also revealed that the decedent had been introduced to crack by his older brother. The detectives had a forensic analysis of his computer done, which revealed over 300 JPEG images of preteen boys from Web sites.

The Darby cuffs had been ground out so that the victim could use the medical forceps instead of a key, which explained why there was no key for the cuffs. He was quite adept at binding and releasing himself from the cuffs using the forceps. At the time of the event, he was engaged in autoerotic cordophilia behavior for self-gratification.

The wood-topped dresser had originally been close to the victim so he could leanover and light his crack pipe. Apparently, the candle ignited his sweatshirt while he was under the influence of the crack. The victim had burned shirt material in one hand indicating his attempt to remove the burning shirt. The burning material fell onto his lap and ignited his shorts and socks. The manner of death was ruled accidental death due to autoerotic activity.
Full Hanging Autoerotic Death in Cross-dressed Male

The victim was a handsome white 22-year-old male, who reportedly had been experimenting with asphyxial recreation for a number of years. The victim was hanging by the neck with an electrical cord secured to a 2 × 4 rafter above a ceiling tile, which had been removed to gain access. A printed scarf was between the ligature and the victim’s neck. His body was discovered by his mother in the basement area of the family home.

At the time of his death, the victim was wearing a full-length lady’s pink dress, and his hands were cuffed behind his back with handcuffs. He was wearing a brown woman’s wig, women’s shoes and underwear, and high-heel shoes. According to the victim’s mother, her son had been wearing silky things and cross-dressing since he was 15 years of age.

In 2009, he told his mother that he had been experimenting with autoerotic activities and had nearly lost his life on one occasion. This conversation took place after the autoerotic death of actor David Caradine, who was found hanging naked inside a closet at a Bangkok Hotel. The son maintained a room in the basement area where he kept his computer and women’s clothing; detectives described the room as cluttered and filthy with a computer desk and computer. The mother had last seen her son at approximately 5:00 p.m. the previous evening and discovered him hanging at approximately 10:30 a.m. the next day.

While processing the crime scene, detectives noticed that the deceased had a computer-mounted camera pointed in his direction. The detectives secured a search warrant for the computer, which was brought to their forensic office for review. An examination of this computer revealed five videos dated the evening before his death with short clips of the deceased engaged in autoerotic activity. These clips were recorded at 5:06 p.m., 5:16 p.m., 5:21 p.m., and 5:24 p.m.

The final clip was made at 5:30 p.m. and recorded his death.

This clip ran from 5:30 p.m. to 11:02 a.m. the next morning. The first four recordings showed the deceased wearing a short French maid’s dress as he wore the brown wig and makeup. During these clips, the deceased was depicted cuffing and uncuffing himself while engaging in autoerotic activity. In the last clip, he was wearing the long pink dress with the high-heel shoes. As he attempted to get back up onto the chair, his long dress got caught on the high heels, and he slipped and hung to death.
Hairy Cross-dresser Dead During Autoerotic Hanging

Police were called to a home residence in connection with an unresponsive man. His wife stated that she and her children had gone to a high school football game earlier that evening and upon coming home could not find her husband. After looking in the garage they began going though the rooms in the house. The reporting witness discovered her husband hanging from some ropes attached to a hook in an upstairs bedroom closet.

She stated that when she turned on the bedroom lights she at first thought that it was some kind of joke. She told the detectives that his feet were touching the floor and that he had some sort of black mask on his face. The woman yelled to her son to call 9-1-1.

She told the police that she tried to get her husband down. However, she stated, “He had tied himself up really well.” The woman then yelled to her son to bring her some scissors to cut her husband down. She and her son were then able to cut the victim down and they began CPR until the arrival of the paramedics.

The detectives took her statement and then conducted some preliminary observations of the scene. They observed the victim lying on his back in an upstairs spare bedroom and that his body was partially in the closet. They took note that the victim was totally nude. Directly in front of the victim’s feet was a pair of black high-heel shoes.

A pair of a scissors was lying next to the victim’s left foot. A white towel was on the floor next to the victim’s head. The victim had two distinct rope markings on or about his abdomen region as well as two distinct rope markings on his neck. A white vibrator was unplugged and laying on the bedroom floor. A part of the roping was also lying with the vibrator.

The lead detective, who had attended a Practical Homicide Investigation course taught by one of the authors, immediately recognized the possibility that the death may be an autoerotic fatality and that the crime scene had been changed. She decided to personally re-interview the victim’s wife in confidence regarding exactly what she had seen and what she had done prior to the arrival of emergency personnel. She asked a number of personal questions about their lifestyle and requested information about what sexual fantasies that she and her husband shared. She asked the woman whether or not she recognized the vibrator that was found in the closet. The wife stated that her husband liked to tie her up while she wore her one-piece bathing suit.

She stated that the vibrator was hers and that she kept it in her bathroom in the same drawer as her curling iron and hair dryer. She was asked what size shoes she and her daughter wore and she replied that they were 7 ½. She then remembered that when she first saw her husband hanging he had something black like a dog collar around his person and she removed it while trying to get him down.

The detectives then conducted a more thorough investigation around the bedroom, noting the victim’s clothing and underwear tossed on the bed. They checked the black high-heel shoes and found that they fit the victim’s feet and were a size 10. They located the black face mask in the closet and then found a woman’s one-piece swimsuit and pantyhose stockings that had been wadded up and placed under a hat within a laundry basket in the closet where the victim had been found. When the detectives laid out the swimsuit and pantyhose on the floor they observed that the items had been cut up the side as if they had been removed from the victim . The investigators then noticed that a secured hook type apparatus had been attached with screws to a stud inside the closet above the closet door. The presence of this hook was highly suggestive that the victim had used this closet before to engage in autoerotic activity.

The lead detective then re-interviewed the victim’s wife regarding these items that were recovered by the detectives and she admitted that she had removed the bathing suit and pantyhose from her husband by cutting the garments off his body prior to the officer’s arrival. She stated that she placed them in the laundry basket so they wouldn’t be seen. She advised the detective that she was embarrassed for her husband and didn’t know how to explain this event and that was why she removed these items. The investigators dutifully noted this in their report and there was no culpability on the part of the family. Both of the authors agree that the actions of the wife under these circumstances were completely understandable. Some authors in literature have referred to these actions on the part of the family as “staging.” However we disagree with that determination. The “staging” of a scene is often done purposely by a perpetrator in order to mislead the police or to redirect the investigation in such a way that, for instance, a homicide appears to be a suicide. Staging, thus, is a conscious action of an offender, an attempt at a
countermeasure; it does not refer to efforts taken by a surviving family member or other loved ones to cover or dress a victim in order to avoid embarrassment.

In this case the wife readily admitted why she had engaged in her actions. It was not to mislead the police nor thwart the investigation but to preserve the dignity of her husband. This death was properly classified as asphyxia by hanging. The manner of death was ruled to be an accidental death, which occurred during a dangerous autoerotic practice.
Cross-dresser Fucked Himself with a Dildo Before Autoerotic Hanging

Police were sent to a location to check on the welfare of a 36-year-old white male. When the officers arrived at the scene, they observed what appeared to be a female figure with blond hair hanging from a weight bench by a chain attached to the neck. On entry to the premises, they ascertained that the victim was in fact a male wearing a blond wig.

The victim was discovered in the northwestern bedroom. He was dressed in female lingerie and wearing the blond wig, facial makeup, and nail polish on his fingernails.

He was also wearing black fishnet hosiery, a black garter belt, a black corset, a black leather bra, and women’s jewelry. In addition, he had a spiked leather collar, which was attached to a chain attached to the weight bench.

A vanity mirror had been positioned in front of the subject, which provided an opportunity for the subject to view himself from his position in the room.

There was evidence of sexual activity in the scene and a possible suggestion of another participant. However, an officer noted that the premises were secured, and there wereno signs of forced entry.

During the search of the crime scene, detectives opened and looked into the victim’s closet. They did not notice anything unusual at first. However, on closer examination they discovered numerous items of female attire secreted behind the regular clothing. The subject also had a number of pairs of women’s panties in different sizes. He had women’s high-heel shoes in a “large” size, pocketbooks, and nylon stockings.

In the adjoining room, the detectives observed that there was a black rubber dildo with fecal matter on it attached to the bedpost of the waterbed. Underneath the dildo was a hand towel and an open jar of petroleum jelly. There was a mirror placed on the floor with several Polaroid pictures. Some of these pictures were of a female dressed in lingerie, and glued onto these pictures was a simulation of a penis with bondage bands around the wrists. There were also other Polaroid pictures of the deceased wearing female attire and lingerie, involved in bondage scenes, and posing and simulating sexual activity. For instance, two Polaroids depicted the victim performing oral sex on a male partner. However, this turned out to be fabricated with a pair of stuffed jeans and a dildo. Apparently, the subject had been using the dildo as a sexual stimulus as he bent over and viewed the photographs, which were on the mirror.

Many sexual devices including various size dildos, were recovered in the house. There were different types of chains, restraint devices, handcuffs, nipple rings, and leather whips. The subject also had numerous sex magazines and pornographic tapes as well as a nude anatomically correct Barbie doll. In addition, police discovered a number of firearms hidden throughout the house in secret compartments. In the opinion of one of the authors whenever you have someone who is so thoroughly vested in pornography and this same person has access to a number of firearms, it is definitely a recipe for disaster.
Body Wrapping as a Form of Autoerotic Play

Overdressing and body wrapping is an unusual autoerotic method that can potentially be dangerous and lethal. In these cases, the autoerotic practitioner has either piled up several layers of clothing or wrapped himself from almost head to toe in covering such as plastic bags or blankets. Death can be caused by different mechanisms, depending on the circumstances.

In some cases, the body wrapping covers the nose and mouth, causing death by smothering. In other cases, there is no impediment to breathing, and death is secondary to the hyperthermia associated with the multilayer overdressing or body wrapping.

Although it is difficult to understand the motivation to wrap oneself entirely in plastic or blankets, it seems that this practice might be linked to a desire to be enclosed or confined, and that this wish might be linked to a subconscious fantasy to return to the womb.

This 34-year-old was found dead in his secured apartment. The body, clad only in underwear, was completely enclosed from head to toe within a large plastic pocket.
41-year-old Man Found Dead Inside a Washing Machine

Police officers were summoned to a residence to check on the welfare of a 41-year-old man who had not reported to work for 2 days. There was no response at his house.

Nothing was disturbed, and everything seemed fine. The television was on in the living room. All of the beds were made, and there was mail on the kitchen counter.

A check of the house proved negative, and everything seemed to be in place. The officers checked the basement and were getting ready to leave when they noticed a foot protruding from the top of a top-loading washing machine. Also visible was the buttocks portion of the body, which was wearing gray undershorts.

The washing machine was a top-loading unit. It was still plugged in and powered up. The interior agitator components had been removed and were located on the floor nearby. The tools and removed bolts were found on an ironing board nextto the dryer.

The body was head first into the washing tub and folded in a semifetal position. The victim’s face, head, neck, and torso were not visible. Both legs were entirely inside the tub. Only the left foot protruded up and out of the tub. The deceased was clad in gray undershorts, a blue nylon sleeveless T-shirt, and one cotton sock on his right foot.

The matching sock was located on the floor next to the dryer. The body could not be removed from the tub. Crime scene officers had to dismantle
the tub by cutting it apart using an electric saw being careful not to touch the body
(Figure 6.22). The outer fiberglass was removed first, and a hole was cut into the lower portion of the inner tub to drain out 24–30 quarts of water.

The inner tub was cut away in sections, avoiding blade contact with the body. Approximately half of the inner tub was removed, which allowed the body to be released and pulled out from the front. The body remained in a tucked/folded position when pulled free. Rigor mortis was almost absent, and the limbs could be straightened without much force.

The cloth materials in the bottom of the tub were two nonmatching bed sheets. The compression of the body could be seen in the sheets. The controls had been set for a wash cycle, medium load, warm wash/cold rinse.

Investigation revealed that the deceased had last been on his computer at 10:00 p.m. the previous evening and had logged off at 10:20 p.m. The position of the body inside the machine clearly indicated that the deceased had intentionally climbed head first into the tub and had gotten stuck in this situation. He had no way of extricating himself. The injuries and abrasions to his arms indicated that he had desperately struggled to free
himself. Although the victim’s head was down in the tub, the mouth and nose were not in the water, and drowning was not the cause of death.

Seminal fluid was present in the victim’s underwear.

The cause of death was positional asphyxia. The manner of death was ruled accidental.

The autoerotic method used was atypical: creating a confinement of the body in a washing machine.
Photography is now an integral part of forensic autopsies. Click on the image below to access the atlas. :yummy2:

Suicide with Chainsaw to the Neck

A 27-year-old male, 179 cm, was found dead in his garage with lesions on his neck and a chainsaw beside him. A farewell message had been inscribed in red paint on the walls of the hallway, living room, and kitchen.

Splashes of blood were found on the garage walls and in the proximity of the body. Further blood marks, in the form of shoe prints, were discovered starting in the kitchen and leading all the way to the garage access door, located in the courtyard.

The mother of the deceased stated that her son was unemployed, consumed new drugs and suffered from depression, for which he had been prescribed medication following a psychiatric evaluation.
One more atlas for your to enjoy. :tongue for you:
