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Oct 10, 2008
SEE what's IN McRIB sandwich

:green puke:

McDonald's McRIB sandwich
"The pork bits that make up the meat include tripe, heart and scalded stomach, which is bad enough. But the chemical additives that go into the sandwich are even worse. Allegedly, when the additives aren't binding lung and liver bits together, they're used for keeping yoga mats springy and shoe soles white."|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk2|109903

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I wondered why I like sucking the soles of my tennis shoes! (and don't get your hopes up folks, it doesn't mean plat's seen the light on the whole foot thing yet!)
How disgusting. I'm glad I've never ordered a McRib!
Don't worry about McRib. The ingredient they are trying to vilify is casein. It's a protein derived from milk. If you took cottage cheese and washed it thoroughly, the remaining rubbery curd is mostly casein. It's a completely natural product used as a binder in a multitude of foods as well as in the production of plastics. It holds the chopped up bits of pork together. That's all it is.

If a pork producer is abusing their animals, they are pretty stupid. Abused animals don't thrive at the loss of profit. Real animal abuse should be addressed. When sows are put in farrowing crates, its to keep them from laying on their newborn pigs. Its temporary. Would it not be abuse to allow the animals to injure and kill their young? I get tired of these animal rights groups sensationalizing events that have been part of farming for decades if not centuries. They are just trying to draw attention to themselves.
If you took a close look at most of the prepared and processed food products available in our local supermarkets you would be surprised to find what is actually in them. The McRib is no different, if the ingredients stated to be in it are actually there, than foods like sausages, hot dogs, bologna and a slew of other processed and prepared meat and food products. Why single out just fast food when the bits and pieces not fit for regular sale have been combined with alchemy and are and have been sold, purchased and eaten by an unassuming and often unaware consuming public for years and years? The food industry has relied upon it to create new products for years. Does anyone really know what is in things like Spam? Many chemical additives have dual or multiple functionalities, though not necessarily in the same formulation - i.e. as a food additive it has a chemical formulation that differs from when it is used to sole shoes, if that is the case. They are a modern cure for what ails us, much like the snake oil of the past was a multipurpose cure all and additive. I do not see why people are raising such a fuss when things like haggis have willingly been made and consumed on a regular basis for centuries. Granted, there aren't the chemical additives, but the mix of ingredients does not read from the normal meat department offerings most are accustomed to. Many times it is best not to know what is in what we consume and just enjoy it for what it is and not what it is comprised and made of. :yummy: :yummy2:
I know whats in Spam. It's made from the trimmed pieces of pork shoulder and ham that are left over after smoking and packaging. There is also a considerable amount of trimmed fat in it. The trimmings are all ground up uniformly and gelatin cooked from the bones is added. That raw meat product is then pressed into the tin, sealed and baked. The baking kills any bacteria and the gelatin congeals the meat so it stays square. The stuff is loaded with fat, salt and nitrites which gives it a long shelf life although eating the stuff very often will shorten yours.

I think the worst offender these days when it come to "unknown" ingredients is hot dogs. They are sausages which are traditionally made from the meat scraps left over from butchering. Now, they have extra fat, additives and preservatives and liquid smoke instead of actual smoking. They can even have ground up bone in them. They are worse than Spam because they are cheap and people eat so many of them. You ought to read the ingredients in Ball Park franks. It's not meat that makes them plump when you cook them. At least real haggis has all natural ingredients.

The best advice when it comes to any prepared meat product is "all things in moderation".

Of course, if you fed a hot guy a lot of nitrites before he finally passed of natural or unnatural causes, his CDG body would actually last quite a bit longer before decomposing. The nitrites inhibit bacteria.
I hate Mc donalds, burguer king an all of this shit. I prefer whatever burguer of my town.
I fucking hate the McRIB sandwich and I don't understand how anybody could eat that nasty shit... I'm not a health freak either, I smoke cigarettes and I'm addicted to opiates... But I do eat healthy to make up for it.