I accidently injured myself while playing dead naked


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

The other day I turned the kitchen into a morgue, I had a steel table set up with hose, knives, instruments - everything.

Just as I bathed my naked corpse the table become slippery and I lost my balance and stabbed my hand deep on a big sharp knife.

I was quickly covered in blood like a real morgue boy. Funny thing is that in the real morgue I am extremely careful but cut myself playing morgue at home.

I still have a bandage on as I type this text.
Christ, Meatpie. Nothing I'd like more than to see your sexy body covered with Meatpie blood! I'd lick you clean!
now if you had stepped onto a knife and cut out a wedge or chunk of sole meat
i would have licked up the foot blood and savored and eaten the sole meat!!!
I appreciate your blood lust my friends, thank you for the concern. :facepalm:
I appreciate your blood lust my friends, thank you for the concern. :facepalm:

In our lust for your blood, Meatpie, neither Rick nor I actually expressed concern for you wellbeing. Hope it wasn't too serious a wound and you are O.K. Still, I do dream of tasting your blood.
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Shit man! Take care of yourself.

Seconded, hope it heals quickly.

Though having a fatal accident and ending up dead for real while playing dead does have a certain ironic something ...
your a tough dude, youre ok!! lol lol
you are like me, cant do nothing but deal with it!
but i do hope your ok!
Meatpie, I hope that isn't a photo of your kitchen! HAHA...it just can't be, not with a drain in the middle of the floor. Did you paint your wound green with Zelyonka?