
  1. feettartar

    Whats our Russian members say about new crackdown on gays there?

    I am very curious to know about the current 'situation' for gays in Russia lately and would like to hear from our fellow members there. Was it something specific that happened recently? Has it been building up for a while? Or what? Because being in the U.S. and the shit the Republican...
  2. Meatpie

    Russian meteor blast hurts hundreds

    Morning sky over Russia today...locals said it was like the Armageddon movie Windows were blown out across the region Schoolchildren were known to have been injured from broken glass
  3. sunray

    On Hanging - Just what happens

    On Hanging Hanging was popular as an execution method simply because it was a terrifying and degrading method of death. A victim could retain some human dignity with an axe or firing squad, but not with a noose. A typical hanging sequence would be: Preparation: The victim is tied and...
  4. B

    Would anyone like a human toy they can suffocate and strangle anytime?

    Hello, I'm your toy. What would you like to do to me and when would you like to do it?
  5. Tecpatl

    Cannibal meat market

    More cannibal food art. This was a butcher shop opened in London to promote the zombie game No Hope Left. It's real meat, just not human meat. And it was really for sale. The proceeds went to - and I'm not making this up - The Limbless Association.
  6. R

    Chinese Medical School Autopsy Video a man was examined. Sorry if tihis is re-post
  7. M

    Tres Moto Acidentes

    First set:
  8. M

    18 Human Heads Halted at Airport

    Did the security agents say "Halt!" eighteen times?
  9. Meatpie

    Reaction formation in gay necrophiles

    I started reading books by Sigmund Freud when I was 11. Honestly at first I had no idea what he was talking about. But I read it again. And once more for a thrid time. My mother caught me and told my teachers. They were all surprised "Jesus Christ this is rare. How can you give him such books...
  10. HangTime

    Hunting Season

    It’s hunting season, my favorite time of the year. Actually, for me it’s always hunting season, since I don’t hunt wild game. I have a taste for human meat, so I hunt other hunters. Today, I’m in the Canadian Rockies. It’s a very desolate area, yet full of wild game. And since it’s got a...
  11. Meatpie

    The Denial of Death

    My favourite book of all time is "The Denial of Death" by Ernest Becker, published in 1973. In his book Becker argues "The idea of death, the fear of it, haunts the human animal like nothing else; it is a mainspring of human activity—activity designed largely to avoid the fatality of death...
  12. Meatpie

    Cute Stephen Ashton, 22 Shot Dead by Mistake at New Year's Eve Party in Thailand

    Model... Stephen lived with his mother Diane in a £1million house in Purley, Surrey Fit & handsome British holidaymaker was killed by a stray bullet at a New Year’s beach party in a popular Thai tourist destination. City trader Stephen Ashton, 22, was dancing on the sand when he was caught...
  13. W

    Hari Kari

    I was reading in a forum somewhere else that the "Friend of Honor" who beheads the man of shame doesn't use a sword or samurai, but something called a "Katana", which was said to be the most humane way to behead a man. Does anyone know what a katana is or how it differs from a samurai sword?
  14. V

    SAA Fighters Cut Off A Mans Ear & Ano ther s Penis;-Anothers-Penis.html
  15. Octave


    PART II. THE PREPARATION. — 07:00 am. After having undressed O., the man takes him to the bathtub. O. is clearly more than 6 feet tall. He has long and slender legs and they are difficult to bend. — The man beholds O. in silence. This young guy had offered him a marvelous orgasm. He...
  16. I

    cannibal fantasy - except I'm the meal

    Where do I belong ? Prolonged and detailed fantasy of being washed, prepped stuffed , buttered, roasted then eaten.
  17. V

    Bear Had Fresh Human Testicles for Lunch

  18. Octave


    PART I. THE MURDER. — 4:00 am. A young man, named O., 23yo, has just left his friends. He's drunk. He lost his wallet. No taxi, no bus, nothing. He decides to hitchhike. Three cars slow down but continue their road when they see him staggering. Finally, another car stops and suggests him some...
  19. ArrowMan

    December 21st - DOOMSDAY

    December 21, 2012 ...DOOMSDAY is nearly here!!!! The Ancient Mayans predicted IT, the Hopi Indians predicted IT, Nostradamus predicted IT and WEB BOT has predicted it!! And the Grand Galactic Re-Alignment OCCURS, first time in 26,000 years ... on December 21, 2012 !! Here is...
  20. Tecpatl

    Human Ken Doll

    Justin Jedlica has had 90 surgeries so far. He's trying to get the perfect body without going to the gym. Apparently he likes being cut up too. Only problem is he's mostly plastic now, so if you stabbed him he'd just ooze silicon.