Now one more me out here.....Brazil is Hosting the Olympics in 2016 and is seen as an emerging economic power and sophisticated society right? And they load--nay "dump" bodies in the back of a Police SUV? No ambulance? I laugh my ass off at their Emerging "status".....
Why the rush, aren't they stiffs already?

Traficantes sendo levados para o Hospital Souza Aguiar, 6 morreram e 1 ficou ferido
Dealers being taken to the Souza Aguiar Hospital, six died and one was injured
Now one more me out here.....Brazil is Hosting the Olympics in 2016 and is seen as an emerging economic power and sophisticated society right? And they load--nay "dump" bodies in the back of a Police SUV? No ambulance? I laugh my ass off at their Emerging "status".....
Here is what the pundits and experts say of Brazil: "Brazil is on the verge of greatness........and always will be":thinking: