Stephen Hawking: Earth will become inferno by 2600 and humanity will become extinct

Hmm.. the advances of science have only been known in the last couple hundred years if that. I highly doubt even he can see 600 years into the future even with science.

Statisically speaking it is believed that the human race will stop at around 12 billion but there are many events that are possible that could curb that. A Yellowstone eruption? or that Italian one as recently mentioned. The 2001 indonesian Tsunami it was feared (by the people of Sumatra island) was the Toba Caldera reactivating itself.. Now that did make races extinct inculding NEARLY ours.

Personally I dont think Neanderthals are extinct.. I think they are Arabs.. But can you prove that? probably not because Neanderthals were a strain of human themselves like homoerectus which they also think are extinct.

I take scientists with a pinch of salt. yes they have learned wonders of the universe, yes they have created knowledge that was non existent in the recent past but they've also got many things wrong, gotten a bit too big for their boots using their position as scientific fact just by saying it is.

Yes we have survived a million years. we as a race have survived the harshest conditions this world has created. conditions that have extinct many races. If anything kills humanity off it is the fact we are no longer primal. We have lost our basic instincts to SURVIVE out of some fanatical sense of being "human" "educated" and "civilised" some greater being that is not the animal we are.

Humanity will prove it worth by dying to the fact that its ignorance was its downfall. like the DODO bird which became extinct because it was stupid and went to trouble instead of fleeing from it
The DNA evidence is pretty conclusive that we are all Homo Sapiens sapiens, not Neanderthal or any other subspecies. However those of us of Western European origin, but NOT Middle Eastern, do contain about 3% of DNA derived from H sapiens neanderthalensis indicating that our ancestors did interbreed to a limited extent within Europe. And those of north Asian extraction (which may include Native American, i'm not sure) have a small amount of DNA from a subspecies called denesovan, which lived in Siberia.
Thanks Meatpie.
Always a pleasure DD. Just for the record correct spelling is Denisovan not denesovan.
Here is one species of monkey I like....from Russia not sure Denisovan or not.

I stand corrected - but your monkey has not come out.
Has now - think it was just my computer freezing :)
I dont think Neanderthals are extinct.. I think they are Arabs..

HAHA...that gave me a big smile. the DODO bird which became extinct because it was stupid and went to trouble instead of fleeing from it

No, no...I beg to disagree. It is not stupid to be trusting. It is just unfortunate for the dodos. Those birds didn't have sufficient time to learn that humans were the enemy. My beloved dodos could not have been too terribly stupid, seeing as they managed to survive on their own for untold ages before man arrived. Rather, let's call the humans ruthless predators, and there's nothing wrong with that either. Every life form has its nature.
...and this species of monkey may be the long sought after MISSING LINK:

NEW: More than 15,000 scientists from 184 countries issue 'warning to humanity'


[SUP]A scene from the popular TV series The Handmaid's Tale where humans face extinction due to environmental degradation and climate change.[/SUP]

More than 15,000 scientists around the world have issued a global warning: there needs to be change in order to save Earth.

Horrible trends were noted in the last 25 years:

  • A decline in freshwater availability.
  • Unsustainable marine fisheries.
  • Ocean dead zones. Sea filled with plastic waste.
  • Forest losses.
  • Dwindling biodiversity.
  • Catastophic climate change.
  • Population growth.

Scientists around the world are very concerned about the state of the world, the environmental situation and climate change.

75% of species on Earth will go extinct if current trends continue. :th_smiley_eh:
I think when scientists talk like this (even the greatest one) they discredit themselves a great deal.. It make me think of them of the religious zealots that scream apocolypse every couple of years. I dont profess to be a genius in anything and wouldn't use whatever knowledge I do have to scare and terrorize people who genuinely believe it because of the position of said individual. I think such opinions should have been kept aside

THE ONLY THING in 1 million years of human existence that almost wiped out humanity was the biggest super volanic eruption of our existence at Lake Toba in Sumatra Indonesia on the door step on Mount Tombora which is argueably number 2 on the scale of most destructive. Toba was sop globally destructive it pumped so much carbon monoxide to high that it blacked out the sun and settled in the stratosphere creating an ice age.. 70,000 years ago. Ice ages end and that is just a fact and as ice melts the tempreature goes up.

Whilst I do think humanity isn't helping matters. Nature does as it always will and we have about 100 years of records to go buy and think with such little information we can predict 600 years into the future. Scientists have been wrong many times and the brilliance is that noone of us will be here to prove this (in MY opinion) moronic and silly thoery wrong.

As I first said, Scientists really discredit themselves with these wild guesstimates and insane predictions and are designed for no other reason that to cause panic. We can't change climate change.. IT WILL CHANGE. The ice age will finish thawing unless something retriggers one which could kill us all anyway?!?

Humanity has survived for hundreds of thousands of years.... No one seems to be able to grasp that concept because we became a weak species too reliant on technology that our extinction will be out stupidity... Irony like the DODO bird
I think what demon007 says is on the money. When you consider that 99.9% of all species that have ever existed on Earth are already extinct, it shouldn't be a shock that everything seems to being going to hell again. The trends scientists have noted are simply business as usual on a planet that goes through all sorts of cycles (hot and cold, cataclysm and recovery, etc.).
With respect, 15,000 scientists are on balance more likely to be right than one Demon007, or even our beloved Alex.
Yes, there have been major natural climatic changes over the last million years - the general pattern has been of short warm interglacial periods roughly every 100,000 years, with remainder of the time much colder but fluctuating. The main cause is thought to be the Milankovitch Cycles, regular cyclical variations in the Earth's orbit and inclination on its axis - there are other influences too, but the overall temperature graph follows the Milankovitch predictions pretty well. Volcanic eruptions can certainly have drastic very short-term effects, but even Toba does not show as a major effect in the longer-term worl d temperature data fro the ice-cores. See the various references on the first page of
though some of them are pretty technical.
And very many hominins and hominids have gone extinct over the last million years - not all due to climate change, but so far as I can make out there have been several episodes where all hominin/ids outside Africa have died out, which is why all modern non-African humans seem to be descended from remarkably small groups that migrated out of Africa as conditions became more suitable again.
And by the way, the last ice age finished it natural thawing some time ago - the overall natural trend since about 2000 BC has been gradual cooling towards the next ice age though with fluctuations up and down.
Until the 20th century, when the graphs diverge wildly upwards from the Milankovitch-based predictions, and instead match the rise in carbon dioxide and methane levels alarmingly well. The real big question is not whether global warming due to CO2 is real, it's whether the effect will continue to be linear for the foreseeable future (alarming enough), or whether and when we will hit a 'flip point' where a positive feedback loop causes extremely rapid and drastic change (which has happened before, at the end of the last ice age, so it is entirely possible.
Thank you, deaddirty, for an interesting synopsis of what the hell was, is and (probably) will be going on. If climate has to go in one direction or the other, I'd much rather it move towards desertification than glaciation.
Its like Yellowstone park. Scientists can trace it back millions of years and we know a few things.. It erupts roughly every 200,000 years with a cataclysmic major eruption once every 2 million years. What we know is that it is several thousands of years overdue but scientists are adamant that when it erupts (which may not even be in our lifetimes because they cant predict the future or an incoming eruption for that matter) that it will be a minor eruption... Even though Yellowstone has not had a major eruption in the last 2.5 million years and again is long overdue one. They have also shown that the ground is rising above sea level every year which is clearly showing an ever growing pressure in the Yellowstone Caldera.. But that's nothing to worry about? Right? Oh and the bottomless lake thing that has changed colour over the last 20 years is not because of Sulphur or seismic activity but because people are flicking coins into it *rolls eyes*

I am not saying I dont trust the experts but feel that they mix educated opinion with scientific fact too often and they are not the same thing. They will all sing from the same hymn sheet and not discredit each other. And I do believe any scientist or expert in their field would fabricate and ultimately lie if their words could change something in their favour or in the above case avoid mass panic of the total population of America.

Never mind that if yellowstone erupted whether major or minor it will kill every living organism within at least 10 mile radius of the national park
...we know a few things.. It erupts roughly every 200,000 years with a cataclysmic major eruption once every 2 million years...but scientists are adamant that when it erupts (which may not even be in our lifetimes because they cant predict the future or an incoming eruption for that matter) that it will be a minor eruption... Even though Yellowstone has not had a major eruption in the last 2.5 million years...

HAHA, those scientists crack me up. Can't they see the major contradiction in this? Well, I can, and demon007 can, but deaddirty -- maybe not. I know he is a scientific type, and does not lightly contradict those who have come to their conclusions through long hours of research and experimentation. [meanwhile the Grand Canyon goes BOOM!]
Statisically speaking it is believed that the human race will stop at around 12 billion but there are many events that are possible that could curb that.
A Yellowstone eruption?

YES...I just stumbled upon the clip below, and I am confident that such events are not allowed to be depicted in a movie if there isn't ABSOLUTE CERTAINTY that they are going to come to pass!
I think that is more like how the Toba eruption would have been on Sumatra Islan in indonesia. Entirely possible because it is a super volcano which arent mountains. You don't see this erupting effect from insdie a volcanic mountain.... But from the floor upwards...

The indoneasian people believe that the 2001 earthquake and Tsumani was Lake toba's caldera reactivating itself. That Toba did not become extinct after the cataclysmic ice age it created.

The thing is that yellowstone never has been the thing that nearly ended humanity even though it altered the weather and pumped so much toxic into the air, neither has snowdonia in Wales which is apparently extinct and neither has the one in Italy... The one that nearly did was Toba and Nearby volcano Tombora is probably the worst mountain in human history alongside krakatoa

The thing is we as a race have survived world ending extinction level events many times and where other races failed. we havent.. Neanderthals, homo-erectus... and more..

These doomsday OPINIONS from "experts" are not factual and they will never be factual unless they actually come to pass and given the history of this (believe it or not) volatile planet we have survived it all. SO there is no factual history to suggest what he's saying is true.. You believe it because of his position.

People need to learn the difference between statistic and fact, and educated opinion and fact.