Hmm.. the advances of science have only been known in the last couple hundred years if that. I highly doubt even he can see 600 years into the future even with science.
Statisically speaking it is believed that the human race will stop at around 12 billion but there are many events that are possible that could curb that. A Yellowstone eruption? or that Italian one as recently mentioned. The 2001 indonesian Tsunami it was feared (by the people of Sumatra island) was the Toba Caldera reactivating itself.. Now that did make races extinct inculding NEARLY ours.
Personally I dont think Neanderthals are extinct.. I think they are Arabs.. But can you prove that? probably not because Neanderthals were a strain of human themselves like homoerectus which they also think are extinct.
I take scientists with a pinch of salt. yes they have learned wonders of the universe, yes they have created knowledge that was non existent in the recent past but they've also got many things wrong, gotten a bit too big for their boots using their position as scientific fact just by saying it is.
Yes we have survived a million years. we as a race have survived the harshest conditions this world has created. conditions that have extinct many races. If anything kills humanity off it is the fact we are no longer primal. We have lost our basic instincts to SURVIVE out of some fanatical sense of being "human" "educated" and "civilised" some greater being that is not the animal we are.
Humanity will prove it worth by dying to the fact that its ignorance was its downfall. like the DODO bird which became extinct because it was stupid and went to trouble instead of fleeing from it
Statisically speaking it is believed that the human race will stop at around 12 billion but there are many events that are possible that could curb that. A Yellowstone eruption? or that Italian one as recently mentioned. The 2001 indonesian Tsunami it was feared (by the people of Sumatra island) was the Toba Caldera reactivating itself.. Now that did make races extinct inculding NEARLY ours.
Personally I dont think Neanderthals are extinct.. I think they are Arabs.. But can you prove that? probably not because Neanderthals were a strain of human themselves like homoerectus which they also think are extinct.
I take scientists with a pinch of salt. yes they have learned wonders of the universe, yes they have created knowledge that was non existent in the recent past but they've also got many things wrong, gotten a bit too big for their boots using their position as scientific fact just by saying it is.
Yes we have survived a million years. we as a race have survived the harshest conditions this world has created. conditions that have extinct many races. If anything kills humanity off it is the fact we are no longer primal. We have lost our basic instincts to SURVIVE out of some fanatical sense of being "human" "educated" and "civilised" some greater being that is not the animal we are.
Humanity will prove it worth by dying to the fact that its ignorance was its downfall. like the DODO bird which became extinct because it was stupid and went to trouble instead of fleeing from it