Snuff request


Forum Veteran
Apr 30, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA
There's a lot of folks who post requests to meet someone in RT to be snuffed, and I guess I'll add my ask to the pile.

I've been into this lifestyle for almost 30 years, and the older I get, the more I realize it's what I want done to me.

Of course I have my fantasies, but the person doing the snuffing has theirs too, so I won't put too many stipulations on the request. It's a good place to start a conversation and see what happens.

I am sincere in submitting myself for this - maybe my pics will even end up on CDG? Send me a message with a little bit of information about you and how you fantasize snuffing another guy and let's go from there.

I'm in Virginia Beach, Va. but I would travel anywhere for this.
So, what is your fantasy? With your 30 yrs, u probably have several really hot thoughts on this.