i'm dying with my boots on!

i think you should show more before we decide if we like it or not ;)
Yea .. Need a little more realism .. But I like you dying with your boots on .. Cuz I want to pull them off.
I like very much,. but I would have loved to see all of you and how you get killed.
You getting shot or arrowed, staggering, falling, boots on, legs in different positions, shots of your ass and back (clothed if you prefer) then rolled over and your belly showing......really anything you'd like to share would be fine. You look hot in boots and even hotter DEAD and in boots! :load:
I already like it Bott and anything you wish to share would be a treat :load:
Hot pics Bott I can just imagine the gunshots, your body's reactions, your staggering, falling and dying with your boot on!