Were they lovahs? Badd boys, thiefs or just kilt dead fer the manLUST o' IT ?
UH yaaaaaaaah, that Cruz really gets my crotchrod a CRUZIN' smooth, oh yah, CRUZIN' real smooth n' slidin' evah so fa-FINE, UP n' down, oh hell yah...
...Wish I cud CRUZ inta laid-low CRUZ ... IN & OUT, now that wud be real PRIMAL PRIME manly ArrowMan a CRUZIN', oh hell yah, YOUS bettchas, just noooo two ways 'bout it, just
Yous guys, let's go a CRUZIN' with this here CRUZIN' no mohr CRUZ', he needs IT so fuckin' ACE ba-BADD, oh yah, yous guys, YOUS GUYS shure KNOWS IT he so shure, shure DOEZ !!!!!
OH YAH, VerlupBUD, missed SEXceeKILL Anthony's airin', reekin, so HAIRY armPIT 'til yous referenced IT now, shure DID !
How cud I ????
Guess I got all a seedn' IT out fer Cruzin' in the DIRT CruzLAY there, them SEXcee white teeth, them dark, swarthy brows.....fer shure CRUZ really DOES CRUZ my WAD right outta these here NADS o' MINE, but HEY...
....Rank PitAirin' Anthony, well, he shure cums in real close ta Cruz there, shure da-DOES, nows there JUST ain't no two ways bout it, just AIN'T !!!
OH...n' PieMan, so deflated these RAWKIN' DEADED DUDES....liked pussy.
Whatta WASTE, pussy....when they cud a had EACH OTHER, well they do now, they SHURE do, hope they get BURRIED in pit togetha, THAT IS HOW THEYS WANTS IT, cuz PUSSY or not...
THEY is TWO BUDS, gawt KILT DAID togetha, they wanted IT that way...so they needs ta be allowed ta CHECK INTA MAGGOR MANOR the same way, too, just one dirt-sleepin' BED BUNKERhole fer them, save them wormy maiders who is MOST defintely be a cummin' THE BOTHERr, oh yah !!
N' HEY, HEY, HEY ENJOY the COMFY CUMfort CUMRADERIE wiv' each other,
YOUS GUYS, YOUS EARNED IT, oh ya-YAH yous DEADED did DID, so yous has a REAL HOT OLE COLD ra-RAWTIN' ACE ta-TYME down, way da-DOWN in there......
YOUS HEARS the ARROWMAN HERE, yous KOs ???????????