
Forum Regular
Dec 25, 2008
i make it thru photoshop.. and i love it...

yum yum

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I love that last one. :)
you are really good with photoshop.

Is that last one from a video? I don't think I have seen it, can you post it?
last one is from anatomy for beginner part2.. you may want to google it ...the session is quite long

:sm (25):
great job! :)
I would have applied myself more in biology class in high school if we had these guys instead of frogs. (Hey! I kissed the damn frogs! Don't think i didn't try.)
Thanks for all of what must have been tedius work.
This actually happened to some US POWs by the Japs in WW2! They were taken to a hospital in Japan and literally dissected whilst alive. It really happened if you google it you will find the whole story. Needless to say this nasty episode by the Japs was conveniently hushed up after the war and I don't think the doctors involved were ever prosecuted, surprise, surprise.
great job on the photos - love them all - number 3 is a fave --- now i am hungry ---
have to get this one!
This actually happened to some US POWs by the Japs in WW2! They were taken to a hospital in Japan and literally dissected whilst alive. It really happened if you google it you will find the whole story. Needless to say this nasty episode by the Japs was conveniently hushed up after the war and I don't think the doctors involved were ever prosecuted, surprise, surprise.

Can You Brittish never learn to forget and forgive. You want to forget and be forgiven for the slavetrade, well then You have tp forgive the japanese for their misstakes in history.
Good job badbloodz!

beuen, I've seen that movie on that trailer. Not bad.
Old Bearkill, actually, I don't want to be forgiven for the slave trade, we were the ones who put an end to it in trans atlantic terms, it still goes on after all. Forgiving the japs and germans isn't going to happen completely whilst there are still people alive who remember what they did and that's true of lots of other countries they affected. Being Swedish and neutral, your people didn't suffer in the same way as so many others did. We do forgive and forget, after all, you never hear us moaning about the arab corsairs who raided english and irish villages well up into the middle ages for slaves and we never get on at the Italians for the ancient britons they dragged to Rome as slaves, or the Normans who enslaved our entire country after cheating at the battle of Hastings!