
  1. phyzzique

    ♪♫"YESTERDAY.......all my troubles seemed so far away"♪♫

    ♪♫"YESTERDAY.......all my troubles seemed so far away"♪♫ 20 yo John Lennon da Silva assassinado com dez tiros de revolver
  2. A


    Who want to kill him?
  3. D

    Can't we get in trouble looking at some of these pictures?

    In most countries you can get in serious trouble for looking at certain kinds of pictures if the person in the picture is under 18. I wonder how this applies to looking at necro pictures I tried navigating through this website trying to find an answer to my question but to no avail. "But then...
  4. D

    Castrated but dead or suffering alive

    Hey guys, I'm new here. I'm 27 years old and I've been interested in emasculation fantasy, real and psychological, forever. I guess I want to throw the question out to you folks: do you find it more of a turn-on to see a hot guy be castrated and then killed or be allowed to live and suffer his...
  5. Meatpie

    Bodybuilding Forum Poll: Which is worse, Pedos or Necros?
  6. A

    Two beheadings

    Sequence of two beheadings, with a good executioner
  7. rubbnoair

    Plasticbag and automatic handcuffs

    Hello, I'll handcuff his hands behind his back after spending a plastic bag over my head. They are handcuffs that open automatically after an adjustable time. The question: How long should I set the aperture handcuffs knowing that I would head in a plastic bag like my profile picture??:hot:
  8. jon_b

    bound gagged executed

  9. N

    Should imigrants be allowed to run for president in the US?

    Since there are so many political discussions going on here about politics, I think this is a fair question. For those of you who are not from the US, think about your own countries. Would you feel ok with an imigrant running the course of your society? Personaly, I think not allowing...
  10. Angel Lust

    I See Dead People *NEWS*

  11. jon_b

    Bulge guys stabbed

    This is Ezekiel aged 25 - Ezekiel has a rather nice bulge in his shorts :drool: - he bled to death after he was stabbed. More ultra high res pics of Ezekiel are available in our Secret Room and are available now for our Elite Members to collect. Details on joining our Secret Room are available...
  12. phyzzique

    Nice butt

  13. ArrowMan


    A former CIA agent who saw secret files on the ROSWELL INCIDENT in which an alleged OUTER SPACE FLYING SAUCER crashed in Roswell, New Mexico on July 8, 1947 leaving CADAVERS of outer space ALIENS says that THIS really did happen!! :pass out: :pass out: :pass out: The U S Government tried to...
  14. Meatpie

    Forest fires rage out of control near Sofia, Bulgaria

    Hundreds of young dudes are battling a forest fire that is raging out of control in Vitosha mountain near Sofia, Bulgaria. Temperatures are expected to reach 40'C by the end of the week.
  15. GoreGoreGadget

    What does it for you?

    Apologies if a thread like this has already been started, its something I've been curious about for a while. What about dead guys do you love in particular, if anything? Is it a psychological attraction, the vulnerability and helplessness? Is it the inherent violence in some of the deaths?
  16. StiffBoy

    M.Y. B.E.S.T.. .V.I.D.E.O.B.O.Y... 2011 ...!

    Mmmmmmmmmm...! Would u bring him AT your HOME ? What u THINK :question mark:
  17. Showboy1983

    Hello...I'm somewhat new...

    Hey...I'm Showboy1983...lame name I know.. I been viewing the message board for quite sometime and I finally decided to create an account. I really didn't post much in the beginning but maybe I will now with all that going on with Luka Magnotta... I don't know...for some odd reason I feel...
  18. K

    Is this pig worthy of all the fuss?

    hes on a lot of these posts
  19. callmecaleb

    Necro Photo History

    Photography has been around for only about 150 years. The first photos of dead men were from the Civil War, and then Indian mutilations of naked guy out west. But suppose photography went way back in time. I can imagine an Inquisition torturer using his smart phone to record his handiwork and...
  20. ArrowMan


    :rocks3: Can never tire of makin' ANOTHER jack ta this... :fast jerk::load::load::load::load::load::load::load::load: