
  1. S


    Hey, my name's Tyler, but I like to be called Star. I'm pretty much an ordinary gamer guy, but I do have some strange fetishes..in this case, they're quite normal. I'm bisexual, and I mostly like seeing guys' organs, especially when they're being touched or played with. Bonus points if it...
  2. Meatpie

    We love you man, kisses

    :heart love:
  3. Meatpie

    Sunday Videos

    http://www.videostenebrosos.com/mutilacao-total-bebado-foi-atropelado-e-arrastado-por-caminhao-necroterio-video_dc0ebbad8.html http://www.videostenebrosos.com/necropsia-em-um-homem-que-cometeu-suicidio-video_c8a019402.html...
  4. J

    Heart Stops in a Field

    Jake is young, 17 years old, and extremely athletic. Tan and lean, he went running one day in nothing but running shorts. In the middle of a fallow field he goes in to cardiac arrest, dropping to the ground. If you found him, what would you do?
  5. Meatpie

    Nevsky Express Train Bomber Tarkhan Kartoev Dies in Russian Jail

    More photos in our Secret Room. Cause of death was listed as heart attack but his family say he may have been beaten and tortured to death in prison.
  6. O

    Russian guy shocked by electricity and drowned with his dog

    On July 5, the Russian guy in Shanghai was jogging with his dog. The dog stepped into a pool which happened to have a broken electricity wire in it. Seconds later, both the dog and the guy were twitching in the pool and no one can give them a hand until power was shut down several minutes later...
  7. Meatpie

    Making a dead girl beautiful

    Let's make this dead girl beautiful for her funeral, full set in our Secret Room from start to finish!
  8. jon_b

    2 die in truck accident

    The recovery of the bodies of 2 men who died when their truck plunged into water :shock:
  9. A

    heart of an accidented man still beat outside of his body

    His heart want to learn how to pump air... It work fine after it was riped away from chest in an accident... Topf man !! http://www.heavy-r.com/video/130842/Mans_Heart_Still_Beating_After_Fatal_Accident/
  10. Destroymykok

    Kill me this way

    It's a very old style of execution but it's the way I want to go when the time is right
  11. Meatpie

    Ripped athlete kills himself

    More & brighter pics in our Secret Room.
  12. Meatpie

    27-year-old shoots himself with rifle after girlfriend dumped him

    27-year-old Kiro Petkov shot himself in the heart on Saturday in Sredest, Bulgaria after his girlfriend (pictured) dumped him. He left a suicide note to her and his parents who found him dead in bed.
  13. G

    Captive raped and slaughtered with a spear.

    My captor violates and forces me to cum before finishing me off.
  14. Meatpie

    French student Clement Meric murdered in Paris by skinheads

    A group of skinheads beat a French far-left activist Clement Meric, 18 on Wednesday in the heart of Paris' shopping district. On Thursday June 6 beauty was declared brain dead and taken to morgue. Four suspects, aged 20 to 37 and believed to have links to extreme right movements, were...
  15. Meatpie

    Naked dead woman on autopsy table with livor mortis

  16. higladius

    Syrian revel eats soldier´s heart

    http://www.publico.es/internacional/455322/un-video-muestra-a-un-rebelde-sirio-sacando-el-corazon-a-un-soldado higladius.
  17. Meatpie

    FSA Rebel Cuts out Heart of Slain Syrian Soldier and Eats it

  18. phyzzique

    Nice looking 29 yo Francisco Mendes morto

    The handsome hero Frank was stabbed in the chest while trying to prevent bank robbery
  19. D

    Hannibal Series Episode 7

    Hannibal latest episode. I hate the idea of eating human body parts though..
  20. jon_b

    tied, tortured, killed

    Hands & feet tied - tortured - head taped into a plastic bag - stabbed - and dumped - guess he upset someone :yes: