
  1. Meatpie

    Bulgaria has saved hundreds of people from Syria last three months

    In an extraordinary news report today I heard on the radio Syrian people blessing Bulgaria for saving their lives and families - hundreds of Syrian children have been granted asylum and taken via plane to Sofia. They gave interviews but their location was not disclosed, the operation was at...
  2. Meatpie

    Epiphany in Bulgaria

    Young guys jumping in the icy waters of the Black Sea yesterday, Jan 6.
  3. Meatpie

    Thousands trapped in cars, trains and buses as blizzards hit Bulgaria

    A severe snowstorm brought disruption to traffic and electricity cuts throughout Bulgaria on Satruday, in some areas drifs of over a metre were measured. Thousands of people are still trapped in vehicles, buses are not running at all and some trains have been cut off with passangers trapped...
  4. Meatpie

    23-year-old British tennis player David Smiley croaks in Bulgaria

    Promising young Faversham tennis player and coach David Smiley died suddenly on the first night of a skiing holiday in Bulgaria. He was 23. He died in Borovets on Friday, December 30 after friends discovered him breathing erratically in bed. They tried unsuccessfully to revive him before...
  5. Meatpie

    A man was beaten hard like a dog on the street ten minutes ago, police just watched

    It's 2.30 am here, as I was browsing CDG I heard people running and someone shouted "I will kill you motherfucker." Two dudes were chasing a burglar who was running for his life, there was another burglarly in our neighbourhood but the owners came home early. Police arrived within minutes...
  6. Meatpie

    Stanislav Ianevski gets executed gangsta style in new Bulgarian mafia drama

    I know Stanislav has many fans abroad, he is a gang banger in a fresh crime drama on Bulgarian TV...and as we know gangsters don't have a very high life expectency. http://www.vbox7.com/play:bd5923f6d5&start=94
  7. Meatpie

    Thousands of protesters with chainsaws occupy Sofia's central square [GALLERY]

    Thousands of protesters occupied the square in front of parliament building in Sofia today, demanding an end to austerity and job cuts. All train services have been suspended and Bulgaria is heading for a societal collapse as police, doctors, rail workers, students and thousands of unemployed...
  8. Meatpie

    Intense hora dance from Bulgaria

    Performed by young fit guys only, you must have strong feet for that. Common in Western Bulgaria and performed on weddings and other special occasions. More info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hora_(dance)
  9. Meatpie

    Welcome to University of California, Davis

    A shocking videotape of police forcefully pepper spraying a group of students staging a sit down protest has emerged. Footage of the tense standoff between police and Occupy demonstrators at the University of California, Davis, shows an officer using pepper spray on a group of protesters...
  10. Meatpie

    33-year-old croaks from broken toe

    33-year-old Nikolay Gutsev croaked a few days ago in a hospital in Bulgaria after hitting his toe on a metal object during work. X-ray showed a broken toe but was told by doctors he could go home and rest and take ibuprofen for the pain. The man returned home and passed out in front of his...
  11. Angel Lust


  12. Meatpie

    I did it again

    Once more, I verbally destroyed an old bag who tried to jump the queue today. I can't stand women, especially old bags who try to jump queue. I never miss a chance to publicly humiliate them, in an intelligent way of course, never insulting them. It feels my heart with joy.
  13. Meatpie

    BBC: Italy's debt is more than 2 trillion euros

    And that's vastly greater than the "bailout" fund proposed by Merkel and Sarkozy. And what if Spain needs a bailout too? Europe is going to ruin according to BBC's business editor Robert Peston. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-15570817
  14. platinum


    Am I the only one on here who really hates the EU? (or Fourth Reich as it should more accurately be called!) I'm really fed up with the filthy, stinking Europigs and all their works! (Note: By Europig I am not referring to the many fine peoples of Italy, Spain, Greece, Poland, Germany, France...
  15. satanic-cumshot

    Gay Death

    i don't know any Gay Man in my Country dead Normal , they always Murdered in Fight or by another gay , i don't know why !!!
  16. ArrowMan


    To celebrate all the awesome diversity of my buddies at CDG, for you... YOUR NATIONAL ANTHEM !! :cheers: (if YouTube link does not open, sign off this thread and then back on again and try again) AUSTRALIA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rErvPnd-2E&feature=related BRAZIL...
  17. Meatpie

    Revolution Spreads [PHOTOS]

    Protesters in cities around the world took to the streets today to demonstrate against capitalism with riot police charging crowds in Rome. Global revolution is near, the world has become terribly unsustainable. Julian Assange then spoke to demonstrators from the steps of St Paul's Cathedral
  18. satanic-cumshot

    Two Man Dies in Car accident-Bulgaria

  19. Meatpie

    Man drowns in the Black Sea

    Primorsko, Bulgaria.
  20. Meatpie

    Necrophile digs up corpses from graves and fucks them hard in Bulgaria

    Terrified residens of a village in Northern Bulgaria spoke today of their "utter disgust and disbelief" after a necrophile started diging up the graves at the local cemetry and fucking the corpses hard, all recently deceased and still fresh. Locals demand a public execution after a 25-year-old...