
  1. ArrowMan

    Chicago: TEACHERS on STRIKE !

    As IF matters are not BAD ENOUGH in Chicago with all the dozens of GANG shootings EVERY SINGLE WEEK (the highest number of any city on earth) .. ... now the Chicago Public School teachers have walked out on 350,000 childern in a huge mega STRIKE. Which means that GANG crimes will mulitiply...
  2. Meatpie

    The most horrifying part of a funeral

    ...to me is not when they lower the casket, no. After we buried our friend on Monday her husband and son invited us to their villa for a meal and drinks something of a funeral party together with some other "family" although as I later found out they were actually their neighbours. In Bulgaria...
  3. Meatpie

    My cousin walks the streets stark naked and masturbates in public

    His cock is huge and hairy. Very hairy. When he gets all boned up he runs outside in the street barefoot pulls out his dick and starts jacking....if someone tries to talk to him he starts yelling "You are shit! You are shit". :facepalm: He has been diagnosed with a severe form of autism...
  4. Meatpie

    Climate change - does it worry you?

    Summer 2012 is turning out a total scorcher in Bulgaria, a fucking oven at 43'C during the day for three months now not a single drop of rain since May. Even worse it stays 30'C during the night with high humidity, not comfortable sleeping conditions even with air conditioning. I feel sick...
  5. Meatpie

    I caught a positive streamer on cam today

    I was filming a lightning storm today on the balcony and caught a positive streamer on my cam in the neighbours' back yard. You could hear it making a buzzing sound waiting and trying to connect to the step leader coming down from the storm cloud. Luckily it didn't connect otherwise I could...
  6. Meatpie

    CDG EXCLUSIVE: Morgue photos of Burgas Airport bomber

    A Bulgarian news website has published morgue photos of the Burgas airport bomber. Dude was decapitated and ripped but morgue techs managed to restore the head somewhat so that pics could be taken and help the identification. Bombing took place on July 18, 2012 six people croaked, five...
  7. satanic-cumshot

    algerian man explose himself in bulgaria airoport

    he was from my country http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehdi_Ghezali
  8. Meatpie

    Burgas airport terrorist bombing - JULY 18, 2012

    Many young guys ripped apart in a terrorist bombing in Bulgaria today at Burgas airport.
  9. Meatpie

    Terrorists blow up a bus full of Israeli tourists at Burgas airport [BLACK SEA COAST]

    Multiple bomb explosions rocked Burgas airport on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast 30 minutes ago. The buses were packed with tourists from Israel. Eye-witnesses said they saw headless bodies and human body parts rolling around on the runway. No other information is available at this time.
  10. Meatpie

    Forest fires rage out of control near Sofia, Bulgaria

    Hundreds of young dudes are battling a forest fire that is raging out of control in Vitosha mountain near Sofia, Bulgaria. Temperatures are expected to reach 40'C by the end of the week. http://sofiaglobe.com/2012/07/02/volunteers-join-in-to-fight-forest-fire-on-mount-vitosha
  11. Meatpie

    37-year-old jumps from a block of flats in Plovdiv, Bulgaria June 27

  12. phyzzique

    John the Baptist in Bulgaria

    LONDON – It's a tantalizing find in a Biblical mystery — Oxford University researchers have concluded that a set of skeletal remains which many Bulgarians attribute to John the Baptist probably belonged to a first century male from the Middle East. While that doesn't prove that the bones...
  13. Meatpie

    Scenes from Bulgaria

    Photos from where I live, all taken last couple of months with info. A worshipper lights a candle as she attends Sunday Mass led by Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill and Bulgarian Patriarch Maxim in Alexander Nevski cathedral in Sofia on April 29, 2012. A man walks inside of the...
  14. E

    My thoughts are with Meatpie today...

    Meatpie, all day today I have been worrying about you, since I heard about the earthquake in Sofia. I just came online. I pray that you are allwright. Please, answer as soon as you can. Your worried friend, eagleeye13
  15. Meatpie

    Powerful storms lash Bulgaria and destroy our garden shed

    Whoahhh!!! What a night, house shaking from 3 am till sunrise from a powerful earthquake and its aftershocks and now out of nowhere gale force winds, lashing rain and lightning. :sad3: Trees have been knocked down and our garden shed no longer has a roof, it got shredded and ripped by the...
  16. Meatpie

    Strong earthquake rattles Bulgaria

    Struck right at 3.00 am in the dead of night, it was horribe and I felt sick. M5.9I jumped out of bed and felt absolutely nauseous. I got terribly dizzy, lamps were swinging violently from side to side, I ran in the corridor and couldn't walk properly. Entire house was shaking. Everyone was...
  17. ArrowMan


    Many in the United States have nasty diets. Lots eat foods that are sugary, full of salt, full of fat, greasy and mostly JUNK fast food. :this isnt happening:this isnt happening:this isnt happening As a result, the United States pays THE MOST for health care and yet has the LOWEST QUALITY...
  18. Meatpie

    Fake Ariel

    Police in Bulgaria have busted an organized gang that produces & sells fake laundry detergent. Empty boxes of "Ariel" and "Tide" were found in a garage along with sacks of salt and baking soda. Producing fake laundry detergents of popular brands is big business in Bulgaria. Salt & baking...
  19. Meatpie

    Life of crime

    38-year-old Kiril Kirilov was gunned down in Sofia, Bulgaria yesterday outside his apartment in front of his girlfriend and neighbours. Kiro, as his friends called him was hit three times in the legs but one bullet cut a major artery. He remained conscious, dragged himself for 150 metres and...
  20. satanic-cumshot

    Girl From Bulgaria Convert to Islam in Algeria

    a young Bulgarian at the age of 26 years, announcing her conversion to Islam, who believe in its principles and teachings. The young Bulgarian named "Sofia Stefka Amitodevka" chose the name from the Arabic names ''saida'', and rejoiced greatly when the guest of its existence a family...