Aftermath [Sick Movie about a Necro Mortican]


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
When the others leave for the night, the last mortician begins to fondle the corpses...

"For being only half an hour this one certainly packs a punch with the scenes of butchery and extreme gore. The subject matter of the film is extremely dodgy for starters, and its non stop from start to finish. The film revolves around the goings on in the local morgue where two pathologists are about to perform autopsies on two corpses. While one goes about his job with clinical precision the other guy seems to be taking an unhealthy pleasure in his work. Later the guy is left on his own and gets down to some after hours fun with the corpses. After he is finished with his male corpse,and after locking the door he starts to work on a female cadaver, stripping her, cutting her up, and then getting into some serious sicko territory necro-style, nuff said.To say you like this film could easily get you labelled "sick" but i'm afraid for all it's subject matter it's actually got a lot of things going for it.For starters the Photography is pure class, with really high production values, this is no cheapo video nasty made on a shoestring budget, and it shows. The corpses are not people with Prosthetics added to them but complete dummies with all the blood and organs intact and they're unbelievably realistic. Also there's a classical music score throughout which is quite haunting..."

I have this movie. I like the first guy that gets cut up and the skinny hairy guy is cute.
It would have been much hotter if they user real actors not dummies
Definitely, the skinny guy was an actor though.