Young man killed in motorcycle crash


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

The head is such a fragile thing. The pavement always wins.
Unless you wear a goddamn fucking helmet.
if you are going 105 mph, as I was recently, just before getting busted for speeding, a full racing suit and helmet will help some if the world goes badly south, but there is a reason you sign your life away by wavers if you go on the racetrack. If your particular shit hits the fan, it is not their fault. The Statey bawled me out about how dangerous the road was, and how there had been a crash the previous day. I didn't tell him, "Yeah, the danger is why we like it so much. It's a rush taking this exit at 100 mph." He was pissed enough.
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What type of worker would be stuck dealing with this mess? Does someone from the ambulance crew scrape the skull off the pavement, or is that done by the people who fill potholes? I would want to know beforehand if I was expected to touch a smashed head, so I could get a job at a bakery instead.
Alexonedeath, it seems that baking is becoming a theme of your life. You have not checking out Sweeny Todd's recipe for meat pies have you?
Alexonedeath, it seems that baking is becoming a theme of your life. You have not checking out Sweeny Todd's recipe for meat pies have you?

Are Todd's meat pies similar to CDG's Meatpie?
I don't know - I've never tasted Meatpie baked in a nice pastry coating