Before the world comes crashing down and chaos ensues, an organization such as the World Bank will come in and bail out those in trouble. While a country may seem to be insolvent and bankrupt, when they default on their obligations, one of the organizations designed to help struggling and underdeveloped, poor countries usually will come in and keep them afloat or other countries will come to their aid. China is probably wondering what it can get for ‘loaning’ out some of its reserves should things get desperate. In essence, we all will be paying to keep whatever countries go upside-down afloat for all of the 185+ member countries of the World Bank pay in to create assets so as to keep the economic world from collapsing.
In the US, states have been close to insolvent and gone as far as to issue IOUs for payments due from them - Arnold should be so proud as California was a shining example of this. Many countries have been unable to meet their obligations in years past and help was provided to get them through. It will happen again and again. It will do some damage, similar to that we are experiencing now but I do not foresee the world ceasing to exist altogether should it occur whether it is 2011, 2012 or beyond.