what kind of necrophile are you??

I am probably a class VII. THough I do fantasize about killing a hot girl or digging up a girl and having sex
Class I and III
Class 1.Anyone in the Nottingham area up for it?
a little bit of them all.............. mostly 3, 4, 7
Class I, from both sides of the coin, multiple encounters. Still hoping to meet my Class IX someday... :skull:
Definitely a class IX. Killing an opponent and dominating their remains. Would drift into class V as I would keep their head afterwards.
still IX. I feel my fantasies are worsening. Still not done anything with someone but think that If I were fucking a muscled lad I would kill him. Still my fantasies are fixated on their muscles and their beating hearts. Now I have a tendancy to snidely take a picture of his shirtless body for remembrance. To imagine my most wonderous fantasy of having him and literally massacring his life before I pluck out his heart. Picturing to myself and thinking how id dispose of him. eating what I can whilst trying to crush/destroy what I cannot and leave no trace.

I imagine if I was terminally ill.. I would become a very dangerous man indeed

I would be hunting young men at every opportunity
Hmm, I'm like a moth to a flame... sounds good to me. Probably just as well that I'm not particularly muscled (and too old to be a lad) so reckon I'm safe. Pity!
Classc V, I guess I had it since a was a body parts(toys) collector at very early age. I believe most of members here are just having a fetish, and most the them aren't really gays. Such a weird world.
Since I have the chance to practice, I find that fucking with living guys is became bland and without real interest.
I've had sex exclusively with dead men for several months, so for me it's...

Class 10 :love1:
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