what kind of necrophile are you??

Actually it's really hard to say what I am according to this classification because I'm most likely in multiple classes at the same time. It's one way to split the necro group but there isn't a universal agreement on how to do it.
I've been reading where this classification was first proposed and it seems it goes back to a paper published in 2009 by Anil Aggrawal in the Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jflm.2008.12.023)

From the description of the classes, I would fit myself partially into class IV, V, VII, VIII, IX.

Class X seems to be exclusive. I'm not there yet as I do think that sex with alive hot guys is still good but maybe someday. It certainly is true already that corpses of hot men are hotter than a lot of regular alive dudes.

Necrophilia seems so understudied and reported (even now when I look for papers written about it, there are only like a couple dozen or so proper papers dealing with it) that there are very few classifications or scientific literature about it, even though forums like CDG are proof that we exist!
For me, I would say class I as I have never had an opportunity for anything more. I don't know, given the opportunity, if I would go further than just fantasy.
Since I don't work with the dead, I say probably class 3 and 4
when I was younger I heard a psychology professor say that we all have necrophilia to a minimal degree, because we always remember those who died
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I’m not a necrophiliac but I loved learning about the classifications!

I like looking at videos and pictures of death people, I’m very interested in the psychology of killers and necrophilics (amongs others “deviations” of “normal”) and ironically enough I have tanatophobia! (Death anxiety, but only regarding myself/my own death)

I love performing last offices for recently deceased people and I think there is an art in giving the deceased a good dignified send off. I also enjoyed dissecting human cadavers in uni, however I can’t stand to see, touch or think of dead animals especially pets . It makes me sad :(
I’m not a necrophiliac but I loved learning about the classifications!

I like looking at videos and pictures of death people, I’m very interested in the psychology of killers and necrophilics (amongs others “deviations” of “normal”) and ironically enough I have tanatophobia! (Death anxiety, but only regarding myself/my own death)

I love performing last offices for recently deceased people and I think there is an art in giving the deceased a good dignified send off. I also enjoyed dissecting human cadavers in uni, however I can’t stand to see, touch or think of dead animals especially pets . It makes me sad :(
According to you, I can't stand seeing or touching dead pets either, and even more so if they are mine.
Yeah it makes me really sad however I prefer to keep their ashes when possible. Losing a pet is always a horrible thing to go through
According to you, I can't stand seeing or touching dead pets either, and even more so if they are mine.
This thread is one I enjoy re-reading on those occasions when I have access to CDG, but since the original classification chart is no longer viewable it is a bit frustrating. If anyone has saved a copy of that chart, re-posting it here would be sincerely appreciated!
Anyone have a copy of the chart?
My fantasy is to strangle a guy as I’m fucking him. Put my full 220lb weight on his throat while I pound his ass. Feeling his sphincter flex as he enters his death throes and filling him up with my essence right as the light leaves his eyes.
My fantasy is to strangle a guy
Would love to watch as your powerful grip crushes his throat. His arms and legs flailing frantically but helplessly. Eyes bugging with fear. Until he is limp and still, dangling in air, as your hands hold him up by the neck.
As it is, I would label myself as Class I and Class III. If I had it my way, I would also be in Class IV, Class VI, Class VIII, and Class IX, but, I don't.
My fantasy is to strangle a guy as I’m fucking him. Put my full 220lb weight on his throat while I pound his ass. Feeling his sphincter flex as he enters his death throes and filling him up with my essence right as the light leaves his eyes.we’re
My fantasy is to strangle a guy as I’m fucking him. Put my full 220lb weight on his throat while I pound his ass. Feeling his sphincter flex as he enters his death throes and filling him up with my essence right as the light leaves his eyes.
This 5,3 worthless Mexican meat needs to be sacrificed.
Never could find the damned chart, if there was one, so I still have no idea.

I - Role players / Do not want to have sex with a dead person. Enjoy sex with a living person pretending to be dead

II - Romantic necrophiles / Bereaved people, who would mummify a part of the body of their recently departed loved ones, and keep it with them in order to get a psychosexual stimulation. Would not show a similar interest in any other dead body, i.e. body of a person with whom they were not romantically involved in life

III - Necrophilic fantasizer / Fantasize intercourse with the dead. May visit cemeteries and funeral parlors and may masturbate in the presence of the dead

IV - Tactile necrophiles / Interest in dead bodies increases to the level of touching them. Like to stroke erotic parts of a dead body, such as breasts. May manipulate sexual organs of the dead in order to get an orgasm

V - Fetishistic necrophiles / Cut up parts of a dead body – say a breast – mummify it, and keep it in their possession to use it as a fetish for their necrophilic activities. Differ from class II necrophiles in the sense that they (class V) do it with the bodies of strangers with whom they held no romantic relationship in life. Thus they do not do it merely to fill a psychosexual vacuum left by the death of their loved ones

VI - Necromutilomaniacs / Interest in dead bodies is more than merely touching them. Necrophilic pleasure comes from mutilating a dead body

VII - Opportunistic necrophiles / Actual sexual activity with the dead starts from this class. Normally these necrophiles would be content to have sexual intercourse with the living, but if an opportunity arose, would not refrain from having sexual intercourse with the dead. Necrophilic mortuary attendants belong to this class

VIII - Regular necrophiles / The so-called ‘‘classic” necrophiles. They do not enjoy sexual intercourse with the living and prefer dead bodies for intercourse. They can however have sex with both living and dead persons. In this sense they differ from class X necrophiles, who can have sex only with dead persons

IX - Homicidal necrophiles / This penultimate category is the most dangerous of all, in the sense that they would kill a person in order to have intercourse with him or her. They are however capable of having sexual intercourse with the living, but the need for sexual intercourse with the dead is so great that they must kill human beings in order to have sexual intercourse with their dead bodies

X - Exclusive necrophiles / Sexual intercourse is possible only with the dead, with the complete exclusion of living partners
I should be an asexual, so there is no such thing as necrophilia. It’s more of a curiosity. I can’t do anything like having sex with a corpse, and I won’t imagine it, but I might be stimulated to a certain extent.