
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Do you think you may croak in 2012? What do you expect from the new year?

Humanity is faced with the first big global crisis in history, so many problems remain unresolved.

At first, I believe we will notice little change. But, Americans are famous for making a big deal out of nothing. Toward the middle of the year, we will start planning big end of the world parties in order to distract ourselves from even worse economic conditions as our Congress continues to defile our nation. With the next presidential election coming, I think one of the republican candidates will be assassinated for being an incredibly insensitive jerk who isn't afraid to display his intolerance.

I also think that resentment by American citizens will continue to grow to such an extent that some of the radicals will start trying to undermine the system with terrorism.
I think we will see further economic inbalances and political chaos in the developed world as people try to fix a system that is doomed to collapse. The current system is very fragile. If something huge were to happen like another terrorrist attack or a natural disaster struck the US or Europe, the system would not be able to handle it which would accelerate the end of the system. I think we are witnessing not only the end of Capitalism, but the entire monetary system. Either 2012 will be the very end of the system or people will become increassingly aware that there is no fixing it.
Despite my gloomy forecast. I am looking forward to 2012. Humanity is in a period of great transition and it is natural that old institutions that have become outdated will fall as new systems replace them. The era we live in will probably be the historical points that historians in the future will say was the period when humanity started to work on the so many issues that afflict us all. It will not be easy, but history has shown how humanity can be resiliant and creative in times of need. We will survive and reemerge from the ashes as a new species whose goal is exploration and love.
Me , Like every one else I am going over there and bury my head in the sand till this is all over.

Overpopulation and dwindling resources together with religious fanaticism are behind most of the problems, war will result and we soldiers will be kept busy It corrects itself in the end as it always does in nature.
The bunny wunnies will rule the world and dance hippity hop on our cold dead corpses!

I agree w/ the general tone of my fellow posters in that the current world system is doomed and we are certain to see more general discontent and upheaval in the very near future. I think people in general, across all races, orientations and classes (except for that elusive "1%" of the super rich) are getting fed up w/ being told they have to "sacrifice" and "do w/ less." More and more of us are tired of "economizing", "tightening our belts", and being forced to be "thrifty" in every way while 'our' government throws our tax money at every foreign nation and every pet project that can find. Where that frustration will eventually lead, however, is anyone's guess.
Foxes, wolves and big cats will keep the bunny population under control however fast they breed. I read somewhere that the planet can support 3 Bn people sustainably.