western europeans are the most attractive people in the universe

Is it weired that i am asian but i always fall for white guys ever sinse i was very little? Not that i dont appreciate other races but just they are not that beautiful and sweet like whites are. Some of the asians are very fine i would say theeir beauty is not something could be captured by photos but they just couldnt give the same kind of vibes
No, not at all. We all have our own preferences, and if anything liking some guys who are different to ourselves is a good thing rather than a bad. For me, I tend to like West Europeans and East Asians more than other groups, but it depends so much on the individuals, there are attractive and unattractive guys in every racial/nationality group.
I would never have guessed a Slav could be a blue-eyed blonde. I know Nordics are fair, but I thought Slavs were dark. Now I know better. You see how educational this site is?

Finns are like many Russians, they white llike the belly of a fish. Norwegians like other wesr europeans French and Brittish are a bit darker. Germans are usually darker in west than in east. The light Germans can be devestatingly handsome, read Jörg Buttgereit.
My ex. Was so obsessed with people from west Africa that he wanted to have surgery made to widening his nose. He is from Somalia and very darkskinned. I think a wide nose can be cute and handsome but i am afraid it takes more than dark complexion to wear one with success.
So many groups have good-looking men....Italians, Brazilians etc. Irish guys are hot too.
But my absolute favorite is Russian/Ukrainian ballet dancer Sergei Polunin. He is the most
beautiful man I have ever seen (not a fan of all his tattoos though):forum with coffe:

Great taste he really is quite special.
Lifeless corpses are beautiful in all races.
So many groups have good-looking men....Italians, Brazilians etc. Irish guys are hot too.
But my absolute favorite is Russian/Ukrainian ballet dancer Sergei Polunin. He is the most
beautiful man I have ever seen (not a fan of all his tattoos though):forum with coffe:
quite cute. italians are very hot, have one in my class, dark curly hair, great shape, sharp jawline,. omg the things I want to do with him:drool:
I will probably agree with the greeks that men are the perfect creatures because a man can be beautiful and strengthful at the same time. Western european is a good combination of both the masculinity and feminity thrrefore most attractive.