
Forum Veteran
Oct 28, 2012
Chapter 1. Meet the Randolphs

The Randolph’s were one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in the United States. Descended directly from Peyton Randolph, one of the founding fathers.

Unbeknown to many there was a sinister secret history of the US. One that was only known to the families and descendants of the founding fathers, unique historians and presidents and vice presidents of the United States.

The founding fathers had drawn up two constitutions. One was the famous one that was known to all and set out the fundamental law of the nation. The second was one that granted the founding fathers and all their descendant’s immunity from prosecution for their entire lives. It also covered the most secret side of the nation’s dark history.

To celebrate the victory and independence from the British the founding fathers took two British prisoners of war and executed them. They then cut up the bodies and feasted on the flesh of the two soldiers without giving any moral thought to the consequences of their actions.

The group soon discovered, like many cannibals before them, that the blood lust and thirst for more human meat would lead them onto a path that their families would never be able to recover from.

So, the second constitution was drawn up that allowed the founding fathers and nations leaders to kill at will and feast on the unlucky victims that they targeted. Despite giving the cannibals immunity this sinister constitution also ensured they had to follow some rules the main ones being

1.) Only the meat from males aged between 16-35 could be consumed. Females were seen as child bearers, and they were to replenish the population and could not be harmed.

2.) They were unable to tell anyone outside the cannibalistic group of their existence.

3.) Serving Presidents and Vice Presidents had to agree to join the group and consume their first victims before taking office. (Such was the lust for power that many sold their souls to hold office.)

Over two hundred years had passed and still the grisly tradition continued.

The main branch of the Randolph family consisted of thirteen members, although only seven took part in any killing that went on.

The family members were.

Thomas Randolph II - Thomas was the grandfather of the family and the father of George and Roger. Better known as Papaw to the grandchildren he was now 88 years old and although his killing days were long past him, he claimed that his youthful looks were down to the flesh of the young men he had consumed.

Betty Randolph - Thomas’s wife and the family’s grandma. The 80-year-old could still cook like the best of them but had passed all her secrets on to Linda, her daughter-in-law.

Roger Randolph - Roger was Thomas’s eldest son and a member of the US Senate. He was unmarried and openly bisexual. He didn’t take part in the killing and only got his hands dirty on special occasions.

George ‘Pa’ Randolph - Was Thomas youngest son and the husband to Linda. He was also the one that had decided to carry the flag on into the next generation and led by example. He loved killing an and used many techniques to snare his prey. He also loved butchering the bodies just as much. He had eight children with Linda and the six eldest joined him in killing and providing meat for the family.

Linda Randolph - was the matriarch of the family and George’s wife. She was the mother of eight wonderful children and the family cook.

Thomas ‘Bubba’ Randolph III - was George’s eldest son. bubba was unfortunately mentally retarded and mute who only communicated with grunts and hand signals, but this still didn’t stop him being a lethal killer. Standing well over 6 foot tall and heavily built Bubba was an intimidating figure who liked to play with the bones of the family’s victims and even had several masks he had created from the faces of some of the families’ meals. Bubba also had his own grisly outhouse decorated with the many victims the family had killed.

Franklin Randolph - was the families second oldest child and a young man that was like his brother openly bisexual. He was also someone that caused a lot of controversy and was in and out of the press for some of his actions.

Lucy Randolph - was George and Linda’s third child. A straight A honors student who was now a successful lawyer who used her stunning good looks to snare many young men for the dinner table.

Rufus Randolph - Was the family’s fourth child and the twin of Sally. Openly gay Rufus used this as an advantage as many of his one-night stands had ended up being devoured but he also had a good eye for spotting some fancy tasting meat that either him or the family would capture.

Sally Randolph - was the twin sister of Rufus. She was a stunning young woman that had men falling at her feet and like her sister used this to keep the family fed.

Tobe Randolph - fresh faced eighteen-year-old Tobe was the youngest of the children that could kill. He was the jock of the family and was well known as a womanizer although like his brothers he would flirt with guys if it helped him get close enough to kill them.

Rebecca Randolph - fourteen-year-old Rebecca was her Mum’s baby. She wasn’t old enough to kill just yet but that didn’t stop her having fun.

Harold Randolph - was the family’s youngest child and although he was 12 years old, he so desperately wanted to join in the killing. But he wasn’t allowed to, although George would allow him to help with butchering the bodies and Harold was already a master with the knife and better than his older siblings.

Twenty-three-year-old Kentucky native Stetson woke up early, slipped into his running shoes and headed out the door for his daily morning run. It was a routine he had established for himself long ago and he took comfort in the familiar sounds and smells of the neighborhood. As he jogged down the street, he felt the cool breeze on his face and listened to his favorite music playlist. For Stetson, this was just another normal morning run, a chance to clear his mind, stay in shape, and start his day off on the right foot. But unbeknown to the young man evil was out on the hunt and Stetson had no idea he would be in its cross hairs.

Pa Randolph was out on the hunt, he’d been driving the neighborhoods for a while and hadn’t had much luck, that was until he spotted the athletic shirtless torso in the distance of a runner who now rested by a tree.

The athletic torso on the dark-haired hunk was a sight to behold. Stetson’s toned muscles rippled beneath tanned skin, suggesting a body honed by rigorous training and dedication. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on his chiseled abs and chest, emphasizing the masculine contours it contained. The lines of the torso led PA’s eye downward, towards the young man waist and hips, where a tantalizing glimpse of well-defined pelvic muscles could be seen, completing the picture of physical fitness and health.

Pa smiled to himself as he pulled into the car park adjacent to where Stetson was parked. He knew that he had just found the family’s next meal and grabbed a hunting knife from his glove box.

Stetson looked down at his watch his rest time was nearing completion, but the young runner had no idea that death was stalking him.

Despite being in his mid-fifties Pa was an experienced killer and very swift on his feet so much so that Stetson had no idea of the fate that lay in store for him.

The shirtless runner took a deep breath and was about to resume his run until a hand grabbed his forehead and suddenly pulled his head back, so his neck was exposed. Such was the quickness of the action that Stetson didn’t manage to utter a single word as Pa ran the sharp blade across his throat.

Stetson instinctively pulled his hands up to his throat as blood gushed from the wound and he gasped for air. He turned to see Pa standing with the blood still dripping from the edge of the blade.

The young man could feel himself going lightheaded and reached out to Pa. The last thing Stetson saw before he hit the ground was Pa licking his lips.

Blood formed in a pool around Stetson’s neck as the shirtless hunk lay face down on the grass. Pa wasted little time in turning him over and watching as Stetson gurgled as the life let his eyes.

The shirtless hunk was now no more than fresh meat and Pa knew he had to get Stetson’s body home and prepared for dinner. He knelt and removed the Apple Watch from Stetson’s wrist and threw it in the bushes and then grabbed the dead young man under his arms and dragged him to his truck where he carefully placed Stetson inside.

The drive back to the Randolph estate didn’t take that long and Pa was soon speeding up the path to the main house. He felt some pride in being successful and bringing such a fine specimen home.

He’d barely brought the truck to a stop outside when some of the family came to see the spoils, he had brought home for the nights dinner.

“What have you got for us daddy?” Sally asked as she waited outside with her twin brother Rufus.

Pa opened the back of the truck and dragged Stetson’s body out.

“Oh, daddy he’s a gorgeous hunk!” Sally exclaimed “I hope he tastes as good as he looks.” She added whilst her twin brother joked that Stetson’s good looks and awesome body would definitely have made him someone he would have fucked.

Pa laughed and then ordered Rufus to help carry the dead hunk into the specially equipped butchering room.

“Where do you want him dad?” Rufus asked, “Strung up or on the table.”

“Let’s put him on the table.” Pa responded, “I think I drained a lot of the blood whilst cutting his throat.”

“Do you mind if I do the honor?” Rufus asked as he grabbed the top of Stetson’s trousers.

“Be me guest.” His dad replied as he made sure his knives were sharpened.

Rufus didn’t have to be told twice and slowly pulled Stetson’s trousers down to reveal a pair of black underwear “Hmm you’re well endowed!” Rufus exclaimed to himself as he gave Stetson’s bulge a quick grope.

Pa soon stood beside Rufus as Stetson lay before them in nothing but his underwear. “Yep, he’s going supply us a good amount of meat with that body and those legs.”

Rufus took a picture of Stetson as his younger brother Harold rushed in.

“Daddy. Daddy, can I help you? Please.” Harold begged, hoping to deliver the cut that bled the body out. However, he stopped when he realized that the body was ready to be completely harvested.

Harold wasn’t to be disappointed as his dad passed him a knife and told him he could remove the flesh from the bones. Despite his young age this was something that Harold had become an expert in, and he watched as Pa carefully removed Stetson’s head and placed it on the side. He then chopped one of Stetson’s arms off and handed it to Harold who chopped it into three parts, he took the bicep and then removed the flesh from the forearm. The twelve-year-old then repeated the process from the other arm before Pa removed both of Stetson’s fantastic legs. The thighs from these were cut into various top and bottom sirloin steaks, whilst his calves were removed, and Harold harvested what remaining meat he could from the legs.

Attention now turned to Stetson’s torso where his rump was removed with various steaks and joints being cut from it. Pa then made a small incision and removed the young man’s organs and insides; these were thrown in a small bin as Pa cut the torso in half. He carefully sliced both of Stetson’s pecs away before removing both rib cages and leaving Harold to harvest the remaining meat from the bones.

With Stetson now harvested of his meat his bones were thrown placed in a large wheelie bin as the excess meat that Harold had obtained was minced up.

Pa handed Linda a tray of meat and left his wife to work her magic with an imaginative meal for the night.

The rest of the family prepared the dinner table but stopped as the aroma of Stetson’s meat began to fill the air and gradually become stronger and filled the room.

A short while later the family all gathered around the table for dinner. A covered tray sat in the middle which was soon joined by three more trays. The lid was taken off one to reveal several moist and juicy sirloin steaks cut from Stetson’s thighs. The second tray contained several delicious golden crispy fries.

Pa picked up his glass and clinked it to get the families attention,

“Ok everyone. Time to reveal the unfortunate soul whose meat we’ll be consuming tonight.”

Pa gave a nod and Rufus turned on the screen that showed a photo of Stetson. “This is twenty-three-year-old Stetson from Kentucky; I can promise you he’s been worth the wait.”

The family gave nods of approval and commented on how sexy Stetson looked as Pa lifted the lid from the third tray which contained Stetson’s severed head, his eyes wide open transfixed into the abyss and an apple lodged firmly into his mouth. Pa flicked a switch which saw Stetson’s head now slowly revolve around the table as the family loaded their plates with food before Pa said grace and allowed the family to eat.

The family members started to cut into their steaks, each hearing the sound of the meat being sliced and the juices spilling out onto the plate. Each took.

their first bites, savoring the flavor of Stetson’s juicy meat, which Linda had cooked to perfection. The meat was tender, and the seasoning just right, making it a satisfying meal for everyone.

Pa asked everyone liked their steaks and each reply was complimentary. The Randolph’s engaged in small talk as they consumed their meal and each family member spoke about how their day went.

With the meal coming to an end each family member sat back in their chairs, their bellies close to popping from the meal they just enjoyed. Pa thanked Linda and told the family that Stetson’s meat would feed them for more nights .

Franklin took the container that contained Stetson’s organs and insides and poured them outside for the family dogs to consume.

Back at the table Bubba gestured to his father and then to Stetson’s severed head. Pa knew he was asking to bring it to his outhouse but had to be reminded that the head wouldn’t be released until all of Stetson had been consumed. It was placed in the freezer ready for the next nights meal.

Pa still had one more thing to do and filled out the customary form that need to be filled out when a person had been killed to be devoured. This placed a mark alongside Stetson’s name which meant that the disappearance of that young man was not to be investigated. Only the few elite members of law enforcement knew what it meant but all members knew not to investigate any of those disappearances further.
Chapter 2. Prime Aussie Beef
Bubba was a unique individual born mentally retarded he was mute and could only communicate with grunts and hand signals. But standing well over 6 foot tall and heavily built gave him some advantages other members of his family didn’t have.

He loved to take refuge in his outhouse to escape the loud noises from the main house and his family that his mental retardation caused. Decorated with the bones and skulls of the family’s previous victims, the outhouse always provided him with the perfect sanctuary where he can find solace and peace from the overwhelming sounds of his environment.

He preferred to sit on the wooden bench inside the outhouse, closing the door behind him to block out the noise. Bubba loved to gaze out at the serene landscape, take in the fresh air, and wonder how much live would have been different for him if he was normal. For Bubba, the outhouse was not merely a place to do his business; it was a haven where he can recharge his batteries and center his mind.

However, being in the outhouse didn’t always mean his family would leave him alone and keep him safe from their manipulations and ploys to use him for themselves.

His younger brother Rufus had just entered the outhouse and walked in on Bubba whilst he was stitching the Stetson’s face together as a mask he had just made. On seeing Rufus, he smiled and grunted as he held up the new mask.

“Oh yeah that’s good.” Rufus said as without even giving his brothers new creation a quick glance.

Rufus was openly gay and sometimes he used his older brother to acquire and kill some guys for the family that he himself would not be able kill or would even give him the time of day. Today was another day that Rufus needed his older brothers help.

He sat himself down next to Bubba and explained that a hot Australian social media influencer was in town and wanted Bubba to kill him both for Rufus and the family. He showed Bubba a picture of the sexy young man and smiled as his brother agreed to help him. Despite Bubba’s communication problems his family understood him, and Rufus now went into the plan in more detail with him.

Aussie influencer Carlton had always been proud of his physique, being a bodybuilder was tough work and took a lot of dedication. Which meant he had worked hard to sculpt his muscles to perfection, spending countless hours in the gym and perfecting his diet. So, when he woke up in his hotel room that sunny morning, he couldn't resist the urge to admire his own body in the mirror.

As he walked over to the window, he noticed the sun shining brightly through the curtains, casting a warm glow over his skin. He took a moment to stretch out his muscles and bask in the sunlight that was beaming in on him.

With each passing moment, Aussie Carlton's confidence grew. He flexed his biceps in the light, admiring the toned contours of his body. He couldn't help but smile at the sight of his own reflection, taking great pride in his hard work and dedication to fitness.

After basking in his own reflection for a few minutes, Carlton decided it was time to hit the gym for an early morning workout. He knew that he wouldn't be able to maintain his physique without putting in the work each day, and that's just what he intended to do. However, being new to the city he jumped on his laptop and researched which was the best gym for him to attend.

As he stepped out of his hotel room and into the sunshine, he felt a renewed sense of energy and confidence. He knew that he had the power to accomplish anything he set his mind to, and that his chiseled physique was a testament to his unwavering commitment to be the best.

With his head held high and his muscles rippling in the sunlight, Carlton strode confidently toward the gym, ready to take on the day and everything that he knew it would bring, completely oblivious to the person that was following him down the street.

Finding out where Carlton was staying was easy for a family like the Randolph’s who only had to make one call. Rufus now discreetly followed his target whilst relaying where he was going back to Bubba who slowly did his best to follow his younger brother.

Rufus had always been a bit intimidated by the gym, despite having an athletic physique of his own he only really attended one to ogle at the male eye candy within. He quickly followed his target inside and watched as Carlton left the changing room dressed in a black shirt that clung to his toned muscular torso and a pair of black shorts that highlighted his impressive, well defined hairless legs. Rufus couldn’t help but himself being drawn to Carlton's physique.

As he watched Carlton tackle the weights and push his muscles to their limit, Rufus felt a sense of awe and admiration wash over him. He couldn't help but be impressed by Carlton's dedication and the hard work that he put into sculpting his perfect body.

Rufus had never considered himself to be much of an athletic person, but he couldn't help but be inspired by Carlton's impressive physique. The way that Carlton effortlessly lifted weights, his muscles bulging with each movement, was mesmerizing to Rufus who now salivated at the thought of tasting such fine meat.

As he watched Carlton finish his workout, Rufus decided that he wanted to learn more about how to get in shape like Carlton. He approached Carlton and asked for his advice on what kind of exercises would help him achieve his fitness goals.

Carlton was more than happy to help Rufus, recognizing a kindred spirit who shared a passion for fitness and what seemed like a determination to improve themselves. He suggested a few workout routines and diet tips.

Rufus smiled as he watched Carlton leave the gym knowing full well that the hunk was heading back to his hotel to shower and change. He watched as Carlton stepped out of the gym and was immediately hit by the heat and humidity, he paused, took off his shirt and started the walk back to his hotel.

In turn Rufus jumped in the van and the waiting driver’s seat signaling to Bubba that it was time to strike.

Carlton paid no attention to the van that drove past him and pulled in a little further up the road. Rufus briefed Bubba and prepared to do his part.

Rufus pretended he was walking down the street when he spotted Carlton. The plan was to stop him and thank him for the advice he had given him in the gym earlier that day and that let Bubba strike.

"Hey, Carlton! I just wanted to say thanks for everything you did for me at the gym earlier. I think your tips and advice will really make a difference," Rufus said as they met on the street.

Carlton, who was walking shirtless with his toned and muscular abs on display, smiled and replied, "No problem, Rufus. I'm glad to help someone achieve their fitness goals."

Rufus couldn't help but admire Carlton's impressive muscular physique. He was in awe of Carlton's chest, abs, and biceps.

"You know, Carlton, you have an amazing physique. I've never seen anyone with muscles like yours," Rufus said, his admiration evident in his voice.

Carlton chuckled, a little self-conscious. "Thanks, Rufus. I work hard to keep myself in shape."

Feeling emboldened by the situation, Rufus asked if he could touch Carlton's bicep, and Carlton nodded his head in agreement. Rufus was amazed at the hard, firm muscles that flexed under his fingers.

Before they went their separate ways, Carlton encouraged Rufus to continue working hard and set new fitness goals. It was at this moment as Carlton went to walk away that the door to the van slid open and Bubba struck as he flung a plastic bag over Carlton’s head and dragged the shirtless hunk back into the van quickly followed by Rufus who watched as Carlton now struggled violently with his brother.

Bubba pulled the bag tight and began to suffocate Carlton whose fine muscles now worked overtime as they tried to save themselves.

Carlton breathed in suddenly, sucking the bag into his face and began to struggle, his body frantically twitching as his face went red. His desperate gasps filled the air as the bag was sucked closer and closer into his mouth. Rufus laughed as he watched the sexy hunk’s life end right before his eyes. Moments later Carlton let out a gasp as his body went limp with the foggy plastic bag still covering his head.

Bubba smiled and grunted at rufus as he lay Carlton’s body down on the floor of the van, “well done brother, well done.” Rufus said as he gave Bubba pat on the back and waited until his brother was back in the driver’s seat.

Rufus knew he had until they arrived back home which was around an hour with the body.

He removed the bag from Carlton’s head and began to fuck the dead hunk.

Pa Randolph praised Rufus’s choice of meat as he prepared Carlton’s body for the evening meal.

Chapter 3. Pa Sets a Task

Pa Randolph sat at the head of the dinner table, his eyes scanning over his children. He saw the same faces every day, nothing out of the ordinary. Today was different though. Pa Randolph wanted something special.

"Listen here," he said, his voice booming, "I want some fresh meat for the table. I'm talking prime, young meat. None of that old, chewy stuff. “ Communicate with each other and Don't come back until you've found me something good."

Sally and Lucy exchanged a nervous glance. They were used to sitting in the background, letting their brothers take the lead. But today, they had a chance to show their worth.

"Now Lucy," Pa Randolph continued, "you're the oldest. It's about time you started stepping up and taking control. “Show your sister how it’s done, I know you're an honors student and a successful lawyer, but you need to stop relying on your brains to get you through life. You're a gorgeous young woman, and it's time you started using your looks to get what you want."

Lucy felt a flush creeping up her neck. It was true - she had always been content to let her brothers take the glory. But now, with Pa’s words ringing in her ears, she saw an opportunity. She could use her stunning good looks to snare a young man for her family’s dinner table.

Coley was a Missouri native, born and bred. With his dark hair, athletic build, and tattoos adorning his skin, he was the epitome of raw, masculine beauty. His muscular legs were defined with a light dark fuzz, drawing the eye towards their sculpted perfection.

But Coley was more than just a pretty face and a chiseled body - he was a force to be reckoned with. With a somewhat cocky and funny personality, he didn't mind showing off his goofball side as the ladies liked it. He had a way of making people laugh, even in the most serious of situations.

Whether it was the way he flashed a winning smile, or the twinkle in his eye when he told a joke, Coley had a natural charm that drew people to him. He was the life of the party, the guy who could make even the most socially awkward person feel at ease.

But don't let his easy-going nature fool you - Coley was a fierce competitor, both on and off the field. He was a natural athlete, with a competitive streak that ran deep. Whether it was a game of basketball or a race to the finish line, Coley refused to lose.

With his good looks, quick wit, and undeniable charm, it's no wonder that Coley was a hit with the ladies.

Lucy decided that she was going to hit the clubs in order to find some suitable prey.

She put on her most seductive outfit, one that hugged her curves in all the right places and let her hair cascade down her back in loose waves. As she made her way through the sea of bodies on the dance floor, she felt alive - like she was finally getting the rush of adrenaline that she had been craving for so long.

Lucy's eyes darted from one man to another, trying to find the perfect target. In the dim lighting, she saw a tall, muscular man in a dark shirt leaning against the bar, sipping on a drink. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing an impressive display of tattoos. Lucy felt a flutter in her stomach as she approached him.

"Hi there," she said, smiling seductively. The man turned to face her, and she saw the rock-hard jawline and piercing dark eyes that made her heart race.

Coley had a plan for the evening - he was going to hook up with a girl. He had been texting back and forth with a few potential partners, but none of them quite sparked his interest. He was getting frustrated, wondering if he was going to be spending the night alone so decided to head to the club .

But then, to his surprise and delight, Lucy walked through the door. She was breathtakingly beautiful, with a killer smile and a body that made him weak in the knees. His heart raced as he watched her cross the room, her hips swaying with each step.

Coley couldn't believe his luck when she came over and approached him.

"Hey," he said, eyeing her up and down. "What brings you here tonight?"

Lucy leaned in closer, letting her breath wash over his ear. "I'm looking for some excitement," she whispered.

Coley’s eyes lit up as the two began flirting with each other. Their chemistry was undeniable, and they both knew that something was bound to happen between them. As they took shots together, their banter got more and more intense, until they were practically daring each other to make a move.

Coley was feeling particularly confident - the music was pumping, the drinks were flowing, and he could feel Lucy's eyes on him at all times. In a bold move, he lifted the bottom of his shirt and pointed to his solid, firm abs.

"Want to have some fun with these?" he asked with a mischievous grin.

Lucy's eyes widened in surprise, but she couldn't help the smile that crept across her lips. She bit her bottom lip, her gaze travelling down Coley's perfectly toned torso.

"I think I might," she replied, her voice low and sultry.

Coley chuckled, sliding closer to her on the booth they were sharing. His hand found its way to her thigh, his touch hot and electric.

"I thought you might," he murmured, his face hovering close to hers.

Their conversation became more intimate, their touches more lascivious. They were both caught in the moment, consumed by the chemistry and desire that was simmering between them.

As the night wore on, they knew that they wanted to take things to the next level. And as they stepped out of the club and into the cool night air, they felt the world fall away - it was just the two of them, lost in their own private little paradise or that was what Coley thought.

Coley's heart was racing as he unlocked the door to his apartment and invited Lucy inside. He felt like he was on top of the world, his adrenaline pumping as he led the hot young woman into his living room.

Without hesitation, he stripped down to his white Calvin Klein underwear, showing off his fine body. He loved the way Lucy's eyes scanned over him, taking in every inch of his toned physique. He grinned mischievously as he posed goofily, dancing around the room and making her laugh.

Lucy couldn't help but be drawn to Coley's playfulness. She loved the way he could make her feel both comfortable and alive, all at the same time. As he sat down on the couch, she couldn't resist the urge to wrap her arms around him, pulling him into a deep embrace.

Their bodies pressed together, Coley and Lucy couldn't help but let their hands explore each other's bodies. The electricity between them was palpable, their chemistry intense and all-consuming.

Coley ran his fingers lightly over the small of Lucy's back, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned softly, pressing her lips to his, their tongues exploring each other's mouths with increasing fervor.

However, Coley’s mind was on one thing and one thing only as he so desperately wanted to have sex with Lucy.

Coley had been flirting with Lucy all night, and now that they were alone in his bedroom, he wanted to take things further. He leaned in to kiss her, but she hesitated. "I don't know, Coley," she said softly. "I don't think I'm ready for this."

But Coley was determined. He pressed harder, trying to push her onto the bed. Lucy resisted, trying to get off the bed and back away from him. "Come on, baby," Coley murmured, reaching out to pull her back towards him. "You know you want this. I can feel it."

Lucy shook her head, trying to pull away. "No, Coley, please. I don't want to do this." It was like he didn't even hear her - he was so focused on his own desires that he couldn't see that she was uncomfortable.

Suddenly, something snapped in Lucy. She had always been taught to stand up for herself, to never let anyone push her around. Her hand shot into her bag, and she pulled a knife out and stabbed Coley in his chest.

Coley's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden attack. He hesitated for a moment, looking at her with confusion as he put his hand down to the wound and saw the blood. “Why.” He uttered seeing the determination in Lucy’s eyes as he fell onto the bed only to find himself being set upon by Lucy as she repeatedly stabbed Coley to death.

Ten blows later she stopped and looked down at Coley who now lay dead on the bed in nothing but his white underwear.

Lucy stood over the lifeless body of Coley, dressed only in his white underwear, feeling a sense of pride that she had finally fulfilled her father's wish. As she looked at Coley's still body, a small smile played across her lips. She knew her father would be proud of her.

Satisfied with her harvest, Lucy grabbed her phone and called her brother older Bubba. He was the only one she trusted to help her with this task. Within minutes, Bubba arrived at the scene and together they carefully lifted Coley's body and placed it in the back of their van.

As they drove to their family's home, both Lucy and Bubba remained quiet, lost in their own thoughts. Arriving home, they carefully carried Coley's body inside.

Pa Randolph looked at the beautiful prey that Lucy had brought home and couldn't help but feel impressed. "Lucy, my dear, you have outdone yourself!" he exclaimed, admiring Coley's sexy body as he prodded his fine torso and slapped his hunky legs.

Lucy smiled proudly as she watched her father inspect Coley's lifeless body. Pa Randolph was known to be a tough critic, but she had done a great job this time. "Thank you, Pa," she said, beaming with joy. "

Pa patted her on the back and congratulated her on her great work as he carried Coley off to the body preparation room.

Coley’s body was hung upside down as began the process of butchering the sexy young man as he made a deep incision from ear to ear so his blood could drain out.

Pa carefully examined the stab wounds Lucy had made on Coley’s body and couldn’t help but have that proud father feeling on seeing where the wounds were located.

Once Coley had been bled Pa removed his head and placed it on the side. He then chopped one of Coley’s arms off and chopped it into three parts, he took the bicep and then removed the flesh from the forearm. He then repeated the process on the other arm before removing both of the young man’s fantastic legs. The thighs from these were cut into various top and bottom sirloin steaks, whilst his calves were removed, and harvested what remaining meat he could from the legs.

Attention now turned to Coley’s torso where his rump was removed with various steaks and joints being cut from it. Pa then made a small incision and removed the young man’s organs and insides; these were thrown in a small bin as Pa cut the torso in half. He carefully sliced both pecs away before removing both rib cages and leaving his younger son the task of harvesting the remaining meat from the bones.

With Coley now harvested of his meat his bones were thrown placed in a large wheelie bin as the excess meat that Harold had obtained was minced up.

Pa handed his wife a tray of meat and left her to work her magic with an imaginative meal for the night.

The rest of the family prepared the dinner table but stopped as the aroma of the latest victim’s fresh meat began to fill the air and gradually become stronger and filled the room.

A short while later the family all gathered around the table for dinner. A covered tray sat in the middle which was soon joined by three more trays. The lid was taken off one to reveal several moist and juicy sirloin steaks cut from Coley’s thighs. The second tray contained several delicious golden crispy fries.

Pa picked up his glass and clinked it to get the families attention,

“Ok everyone. Time to reveal the unfortunate soul whose meat we’ll be consuming tonight.”

Pa gave a nod and Lucy turned on the screen that showed a photo of Coley. “This is prime Missouri meat Coley; I can promise you he’s been worth the wait.”

The family gave nods of approval and commented on how sexy Coley looked as Pa lifted the lid from the third tray which contained Coley severed head, his eyes wide open transfixed into the abyss and an apple lodged firmly into his mouth. Pa flicked a switch which saw the head now slowly revolve around the table as the family loaded their plates with food before Pa said grace and allowed the family to eat.

The family members started to cut into their steaks, each hearing the sound of the meat being sliced and the juices spilling out onto the plate. Each took their first bites, savoring the flavor of Coley’s juicy meat, which Linda had cooked to perfection. The meat was tender, and the seasoning just right, making it a satisfying meal for everyone.

Pa asked everyone liked their steaks and each reply was complimentary. The Randolph’s engaged in small talk as they consumed their meal and each family member spoke about how their day went.

With the meal coming to an end each family member sat back in their chairs, their bellies close to popping from the meal they just enjoyed. Pa thanked Lucy and praised his daughter on her first kill and told the family that the remaining meat would feed them for more nights .

Franklin took the container that contained Coley’s organs and insides and poured them outside for the family dogs to consume.

Bubba would never get to have fun with Coley’s head, instead Lucy kept it as a trophy to remind her of her first. When all of Coley had been consumed, she took it and boiled the remaining flesh from it and put the skull on top of her dresser.
Chapter 4. Rufus's choice

Rufus had always known that this day would come. The day when it was his turn to supply the food for his family’s next meal. His cannibalistic family had a twisted tradition that had been passed down through generations. They hunted, killed and ate human flesh. Rufus had been dreading the day when he would receive the call telling him to act. He had already got everything planned out including finding the person who would be the next victim.

Rufus had spent the last few weeks mentally preparing himself for the task that lay ahead.

Finally, the call came. Rufus listened carefully and hung up the phone, gathering his tools and heading into the next bedroom.

A few weeks earlier, Rufus was wandering the streets looking for a potential victim when he spotted Wyatt, a shirtless young man lounging on the steps of his apartment complex.

Rufus couldn't take his eyes off of him, his perfect physique, and the way the sun glistened on his skin. Rufus had been searching for the perfect specimen for his family’s next meal and smiled knowing he had finally found one.

Rufus began to monitor Wyatt's routine, quickly discovering that he was an out of work actor who spent most of his days lounging outside and living alone with no visitors.

One day, Rufus approached Wyatt, who was lounging on the steps of his apartment complex. Instead of merely regarding him as the perfect specimen for his meat, he decided to strike up a conversation. Rufus asked Wyatt about his acting career and what his aspirations were. As it happened, Wyatt was feeling particularly down since he hadn't been able to book any gigs lately, and he welcomed someone to talk to about it.

Rufus quickly noticed how charming and witty Wyatt was, and the two quickly found common interests to bond over. They soon learned that they had many shared hobbies and interests, and before long, they had developed an unlikely friendship. The two would often chat and joke around about their shared passions. Rufus even began bringing along his favorite homemade snacks to share with Wyatt.

As their friendship developed, Rufus who was openly gay struggled to hide his true intentions towards Wyatt.

One day, Wyatt approached Rufus while he was sitting on the steps of their apartment complex. Rufus noticed that Wyatt looked stressed and worried. He quickly learned that Wyatt's apartment had flooded during a storm, and he needed a place to stay for a few days until the repairs were completed.

Without a moment's hesitation, Rufus offered to let Wyatt stay with him. He knew how difficult it could be when things didn't go as planned, and he didn't want Wyatt to feel alone during this challenging time., besides he was expecting the call anytime soon and knew it would be more helpful if Wyatt was close. Wyatt was grateful for Rufus's kindness and accepted the invitation to stay at his place unaware his death was on the agenda.

Wyatt was pleasantly surprised when he arrived at Rufus's home. The place was immaculate and contained several fascinating trinkets and interesting pieces that Rufus had collected over the years. It was clear that Rufus had come from a family of money and Rufus welcomed Wyatt into his home with the same hospitality and kindness that he showed him during their friendship.

The two men enjoyed each other's company during Wyatt's stay, bonding over their shared interests and conversation. Wyatt even found Rufus's homemade meals to be delicious, which made their time together all the more enjoyable. Rufus saw this as a chance to show his gratitude to Wyatt for their friendship and was happy to repay the favor with his hospitality.

But having just received the call Rufus prepared to do the deed that he didn’t really want to do. His previous kills were people that he hadn’t got to know but he had developed a bond with Wyatt and was fighting inner demons in himself. Part of him wanted to kill Wyatt so he could have some fun with his body and then taste his fine flesh whilst the other half wanted to continue the friendship with someone that appeared to accept him for who he was.

Rufus took a deep breath and grabbed the gun from the drawer and slowly walked into Wyatt’s room and found him sitting on the bed, staring intently at a book.

Rufus knew that Wyatt valued his solitude, so he approached cautiously. After exchanging pleasantries, Rufus noticed the book Wyatt was reading. Rufus was a curious person and always enjoyed learning new things, so he asked what the book was about.

Wyatt looked up, surprised at Rufus's question. He explained that the book was about the history of Broadway and the earliest musicals that had been produced in New York City. Wyatt had always been a theatrical person and had dreamed of one day making it big on Broadway.

Rufus closed his eyes as he uttered “I’m sorry.

Wyatt.” A puzzled Wyatt put his book down “Sorry for what?” He replied.

“This.” Rufus replied as he lifted the gun and pointed it at Wyatt.

Wyatt didn’t have time to protest as Rufus pulled the trigger and shot him in the side of the head. Wyatt’s body fell back on the bed as a pool of blood now formed around his head.

Rufus descended upon the dead hunk quickly and allowed his hands to fondle and caress Wyatt before bringing his conquest home for the family meal.

Back at the house Pa Randolph inspected the meat one of his sons had brought home. “An Excellent choice Rufus, I knew you could do it” he exclaimed, admiring the hunk of meat before him.

Pa wasted little time in starting the process of butchering Wyatt’s body for the nights meal as Wyatt’s body was hung upside down as he began the process of butchering the sexy young man by making deep incision from ear to ear so his blood could drain out.

Once he had been bled Pa removed Wyatt’s head and placed it on the side. He then chopped one of his arms off and chopped it into three parts, he took the bicep and then removed the flesh from the forearm. He then repeated the process on the other arm before removing both of the young man’s fantastic legs. The thighs from these were cut into various top and bottom sirloin steaks, whilst his calves were removed, and harvested what remaining meat he could from the legs.

Attention now turned to Wyatt’s meaty torso where his rump was removed with various steaks and joints being cut from it. Pa then made a small incision and removed the young man’s organs and insides; these were thrown in a small bin as Pa cut the torso in half. He carefully sliced both pecs away before removing both rib cages and leaving his younger son the task of harvesting the remaining meat from the bones.

With Wyatt now harvested of his meat his bones were thrown placed in a large wheelie bin as the excess meat that Harold had obtained was minced up.

Pa handed his wife a tray of meat and left her to work her magic with an imaginative meal for the night.

The rest of the family prepared the dinner table but stopped as the aroma of the latest victim’s fresh meat began to fill the air and gradually become stronger and filled the room.

A short while later the family all gathered around the table for dinner. A covered tray sat in the middle which was soon joined by three more trays. The lid was taken off one to reveal several moist and juicy sirloin steaks cut from Wyatt’s thighs. The second tray contained several delicious golden crispy fries.

Pa picked up his glass and clinked it to get the families attention,

“Ok everyone. Time to reveal the unfortunate soul whose meat we’ll be consuming tonight.”

He flicked a switch as a picture of Wyatt appeared on the screen,

The family gave nods of approval and commented on how sexy he looked as Pa lifted the lid from the third tray which contained Wyatt’s severed head, his eyes wide open transfixed into the abyss and an apple lodged firmly into his mouth. Pa flicked a switch which saw the head now slowly revolve around the table as the family loaded their plates with food before Pa said grace and allowed the family to eat.
Guys more good news to share every single one of my stories is going to be sold as an E-Book.

Every Predator Story and every single new story will now be available to read on the go just like a kindle. You can read them on your laptop or phone anywhere and anytime.

Each story will contain its original pictures so nothing will be left out.

Please support this new venture if you can