hot guy drowned, big feet, white socks


Forum Resident
Feb 27, 2010
This is a very cool movie. "Reflections of Murder" is about a piano teacher who is abused by her husband. Her girl friend decided to kill him. This is the murder scene. The husband is Sam Waterston. This is defniitely a wank scene:load::sm (31):

He takes his big boots off and he got big feet big white socks. He gets drugged and drowned in a tub.

Hot part of the video is where they put a tarp over the tub when he gets drowned, then reach in and pull his wet, white socked feet out to put his boots back on him. Wank wank!
I watched this clip last night Pup, very cool, loved the drowing scene
This is a take off of the original french flick 'Diabolique' - and then later re-made with Sharon Stone
gotta love those big feet and white socks on Waterson...
Thanks for posting this Hellpup. This was always a favorite scene, Sam Waterston was so HOT back then and those beautiful big feet! I actually posted the same one but youtube deleted my account and all my videos along with it.
Have you ever seen "Love me Deadly"?
I posted some good scenes from there. Now I can't for fear they'll get me again. That's why my new account is verlupII.
I didn't know Waterson had feet that hot till I saw that movie. HUGE. Daaaamn. He was real hot back then, this was 1974. I've never seen the french version but even tho it's a cool story, I go for color and a hot dead guy over b/w and not so hot dead guy. Very cool ending with Reflections. I don't know if Diabolique is the same. She taught piano, the husband and gf think the wife is dead, then you hear the eerie strains of piano cords coming from the school...uh oh... her ghost? Sweet!

Hey verlup, I've seen your account on Youtube, you post some killa sweet videos dude!
Thanks Hellpup, glad you like my vids. I'm looking for more dead guys real or fake to post. I don't think you're missing anything by not watching Diabolique. The guy wasn't as cute and there are no foot shots when he gets killed. I can't remember how the other version with James Caan was but it must not have been all that amazing if I can't remember any of it. I was so excited too since I always thought James Caan was really cute and was looking forward to seeing him get killed.