Brazil Video Collection

Open mouth.

Very beautiful boy went to sleep in Brazil.

Girlfriend next to the body of 46-year-old man who was shot in the head.

Last days of July are very deadly in Brazil.

Last days of July are very deadly in Brazil.

I guess the morgue and cops don't like to wear gloves when handling the dead.. Hopefully they wash their hands before touching their eyes and mouth :-)
I guess the morgue and cops don't like to wear gloves when handling the dead.. Hopefully they wash their hands before touching their eyes and mouth :)
Yeah. When I kill a guy, I always wash my hands before biting into them and eating their flesh.
Girlfriend next to the body of 46-year-old man who was shot in the head.

He's saying she killed him and she's shaking her head. I wonder if she did
Good ones, thanks.
Never turn your back on bikers when you are involved in gangs.
