
  1. Meatpie

    Russian Soldier

  2. T

    Group of Dead Ukrainian Soldiers

    HD video of group of dead Ukrainian soldiers killed in Debaltseve on 19/2/2015. <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="575" height="362"><param name="movie" value="" /><param...
  3. T

    Dead Ukrainian Soldier with Boots & Kneepads

    HD video of a dead Ukrainian soldier wearing boots and kneepads in Debaltseve, killed on 18/2/2015. <object id="player" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="player" width="575" height="362"><param name="movie"...
  4. T

    2 Dead Pro-Russian Fighters/Soldiers

    High definition pics of 2 dead pro-Russian fighters in Debaltseve killed on around 4/2/2015.
  5. Raphz

    Handsome soldier burned cock exposed

    As title said :load:
  6. T

    Never Before Seen Pics of Dead Ukrainian Soldiers

    Just found these never before seen good quality photos in the dark recesses of the internet. They show Ukrainian soldiers killed in an ambush by pro-Russian fighters at Shakhtarsk back in 31/7/2014. [For some reason, I can't get the 2nd pic to upload correctly.] You may remember this video...
  7. Meatpie

    Islamic State Behead Iraqi Soldier in Baiji

  8. Meatpie

    Soldier hanged upside down

  9. T

    Fatally Wounded Ukrainian Soldier Left Dying and Suffering

    High quality video! This Ukrainian soldier was fatally shot during an attack on his convoy. His wounds were too severe and was left struggling and screaming in pain until his inevitable death a few minutes later.
  10. Meatpie

    Cutest Dead Soldier of 2014

    Thousands of civilians and soldiers died in 2014 Ukraine Civil War, we have an extensive collection of death photographs from the conflict most can be found by clicking the ukraine war tag or doing a basic search. This is my favourite sweetest dead soldier of 2014.
  11. T

    Alive Ukrainian Soldier Cock

  12. S

    Dead NATO soldier

    Found this recently. Supposedly a dead US soldier in Afghanistan.
  13. Early

    Dead GI's Stripped

    I have started an album created by Poser and Photoshop. You can find it at Early. Order of story is reversed. Need to learn.
  14. T

    Hansome Ukrainian Soldier Dead

  15. T

    Beautiful Syrian Soldier Beheaded

    This delicious syrian soldier was beheaded alive, the fresh blood gives it away. High resolution photos.
  16. Meatpie

    Beautiful Russian soldier killed in Ukraine

    Yurin Alexey, born in 1993 lived in Moscow region. On orders of Vladimir Putin dude was sent to fight in Ukraine and ended up in morgue. More incredible morgue photos of beautiful Yurin and his handsome friends in morgue in our Secret Room. CDG exclusive photos completely uncensored.
  17. T

    Dead Ukraine Rebel Soldiers in Donetsk Morgue

    Highest quality pictures I could find of dead rebel soldiers in Donetsk morgue. Extra large 3000x2138 size photo of headless man with one foot booted and the other bare. Last pic shows a dead man almost kissing/licking another's boot. So many beautiful men died, let's remember and honor them by...
  18. JacobFuller

    Hard Soldier Fuck and Brutal Revenge Killing

    I was just looking for someplace to rest. My company had been fighting for what seemed like weeks and I just had to get away. I headed down the hillside from camp and through the stand of trees. I wasn’t real familiar with this area of woods and rock outcroppings but I thought it was safe. I...
  19. V

    Max and The Fall of Berlin

    The sound from the next room sounded like a sack of flour hitting the ground. It was a dull thud that Max heard as he searched the seemingly empty Berlin warehouse. "Schisse!" He heard a muffled voice call out. The flat sounds of mortar shells and the percussive conversations of gunfire faded...
  20. redoktobar

    Victim of an IED Attack - Bare Feet

    Thought I'd make a small contribution to the forum since I rarely get the chance to. Anyways below are a few pics I came across a little while back that I thought some might enjoy seeing - some members in particular : ) They were part of a story following victims of IED attacks in Afghanistan...