
  1. sunray

    A well beaten body with a fine butt

    I don't have any details about these pictures except that it is obvious this dude has a lovely body and a fine butt. He must have suffered quite a lot.
  2. phyzzique

    Handsome fit dude bitten to death by pit bulls

    Sorry for the censorship:this isnt happening
  3. Meatpie

    Autopsy photos of 18-yr-old Marla Cardamone who died after an abortion

    These autopsy photos are published with the blessing and encouragement of Marla’s family, who want the world to know that supposedly “safe and legal” abortions kill mothers as well as their children. Marla died of a fast-moving blood infection less than a day after a urea-instillation...
  4. jon_b

    Sinking feeling

    He had been drinking - but went to assist a friend retrieve a fishing net - and drowned. :shock:
  5. Male4DarkPlay

    Death by Sawing

  6. drakator


    This may be the wrong forum. But does anyone know where I can get the old katharsis,net stuff.
  7. Meatpie

    Horrible but this is real life...Man run over by truck before New Year's

    Be careful later today guys, just because it's New Year's it doesn't mean people will stop dying!
  8. T

    female autopsy video

  9. phyzzique

    Horrible motorcycle acidente

  10. J

    Movie Jock Kills

    Gutted with a Chainsaw
  11. phyzzique

    Shot jovem dying on the floor

  12. eurasian_hybrid

    MOTORCYCLE accident tears a hot lad to shreds

    A hot guy gets shredded following a Motorcycle Accident
  13. Meatpie

    Happy dad melts away

    More horrible before & after in our secret room.
  14. StiffBoy

    Stuck in the Neck...!

    :bow::punch::drool: Necro-Bang Bang U can ram your dick in his ass...! Enjoy this video. *Click image to continue...
  15. gibing


    For this Thai man, he's taken his last ride.
  16. StiffBoy


    :stars: IT LOOK LIKE A FACE TO FACE What do you think ? *Click image to continue...!
  17. grimmer

    On Fire...

    It takes really strong conviction and guts for them to set themselves on fire.... I hope it not a repost anywhere.... and do let me know how i can attach more pics without giving multiple posts.....
  18. phyzzique

    Acidente? I don't think so

  19. abusaid

    Guy wearing girls clothes is killed

    his name..Hugo Sánchez Renaud to stab repeatedly, 8 times "][/URL] "][/URL] "][/URL] "][/URL] "][/URL] "][/URL]
  20. phyzzique

    Dude doesn't want to be.....beheaded
