
  1. C

    New Zealand KO guys.

    I am wondering if there are any guys on here from NZ that want to be a victim. Role play KO, chloro, strangulation. Or if your up for a bit harder to thats all good.
  2. PiercedChest

    Stabbed to death, dagger still in chest

  3. B

    New Member from Indonesia

    Hi guys I'm a new member from Indonesia I love cute dead guys in the movie, not the real one it's just really disturbing but this site is coooollll
  4. ivanhowe

    Death at theOpera

    I don't mean pneumonia or consumption or tuberculosis where we feel sorry for the heroine, and more for the lover whose is going to be without his main squeeze by the third act. I mean that blood thirsty, man killing, gory death of our most beloved hero, (sometimes a villain). An agonizing...
  5. R

    Banned Movies???????

    I seen i few but perhaps someone out there knos of a few i havent seen yet? you know the typical movies that gets ban for being to gory or to real with torture:yes::
  6. Wizard

    Cute Dead Guys... in Gaming.

    So, I'm going to share some of videos that I found (mostly on Youtube) that contain deaths of cute male protagonists of many game titles. Yes I know they're not real human but if you have enough imagination, you can see them as real persons... :yes: Hm, let's start with this. It's from a game...
  7. phyzzique

    Gory vid

    Not sure if this is repost, but this vid totally rawks, even the music is creepy. Very gory.....beware. (the fun starts at 45 secs) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJl2rnXxjcg
  8. phyzzique

    Brotherhood V

    Film is 'Brotherhood V' very hot CDG Leslie decides to shower while waiting for chick to show up Leslie is looking for his girlfirend Leslie is sitting duck Leslie makes a very hot vic
  9. R

    Ancient punishment: sawn in half through the groin

    An ancient form of execution: slowly sawn in half, starting through the balls and cock and then down (or up, I suppose) between the buttocks and onwards... Ouch!
  10. D

    Story requests?

    Hoping this is the appropriate place to post this.... Was curious to know if anyone would care to write a fantasy story involving me. I've seen some posted here before that were really hot so I know there are some creative folks out there. Specifically my fantasy centers around being a...
  11. D

    Dead guys in Leather.... Movie List

    Hey guys would love to compile a list of dead guys in movies wearing leather. Huge turn on for me and i'm sure others. I'll get it started and feel free to post any movies and/or clips you have. Hard Target- Fairly stupid Woo movie but one nice thing is lots and lots of bad guys on bikes...
  12. stonefree


    Terrible way to die.:shock: At least it is fast.
  13. J

    Cannibal grandparents with a hot and bad guy

    Really interesting vid. Very good. This is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RggdDsiSGE&feature=channel_video_title My language is spanish, so I'm no sure what they say about the toes of the poor guy, ha, ha...! They talk fast for me.
  14. stonefree

    I hate gory pics.

    But he is too cute to resist.:horny:
  15. metalmachine

    Two drowned guys

    Two guys of 36 and 28 years old lost their lives trying to save another person.
  16. metalmachine

    Dänische Delikatessen

    Someone Know or have this film, please??? I want it!!
  17. stonefree

    dont need to autopsy(A bit Graphic!!)

    I dont like gory pics... but this one is still hot.
  18. J


    Hello, Im J. and i like looking at dead and gory stuff!!:yes:
  19. Meatpie


    Remains of suicide bomber in Afghanistan, head split right in the middle. Exclusive photo only on CDG, sorry Kelly. :aha:
  20. JValdez

    Anything for a friend

    Anything for a friend © JValdez 2011 Our work for NATO had been strenuous, depressing and necessary. The world-wide famine begun in 2017 had continued, and here we were, three years later, in Tuscany, attempting to enforce order on an increasingly wild, lawless and hysterical population that...