
  1. PiercedChest

    Policemen machine gunned in Mexico

    The drug gangs are targeting the police now too.
  2. metalmachine

    Three young Beheadings

  3. Caronte

    Drug overdose in El Rey Ahogado (The Drowned King)

    http://imgbox.com/aabatpPi http://imgbox.com/aawaUPD9 http://imgbox.com/aabVlD01 http://imgbox.com/aalT1zL6
  4. PiercedChest

    'Pirate' killed

    Getúlio Mendes do Rego, 25, known as "Pirate", was killed with four gunshots, all in the head. According to the victim's girlfriend, he was in a bar table, when two men on a motorcycle approached from behind. The victim tried to run, but died before he could get away. "Pirate" was a drug user.
  5. phyzzique

    ♥16 yo construction worker morto♥

    Shot dead in a dispute over drugs Sexy death pose:drool::drool:
  6. KiltedSoldier

    Facing Firing Squad

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/indonesia/9306613/Bali-drug-arrests-Rachel-Dougall-fears-she-may-never-see-daughter-again.html Looks like a druggie Go for it Bali and let us know if you need volunteers for the Firing Party
  7. jon_b

    Nailson José da Silva age 30

    30 yr old Nailson José da Silva was shot dead by traffickers for a drug debt :shock:
  8. metalmachine

    Bagged Head

    Bruno Rios Mascarenhas, 26
  9. Choke_Me!

    Wanna Meet Me? - NY Area

    So... I've been here a while and most people know I love to be choked more than anything and I have very few limits, but some people are hesitant to meet up :/ so, I just wanted to let everyone in the area know eventhough I despise bars, I'm going to be at one on Friday and if you're interested...
  10. metalmachine

    Murdered in relacion of Drugs

    Júlio Iglésio Tavares “Beicinho”, 26
  11. P

    Victims of Drugs Wars

  12. Rand503

    Six Dead Miexicans

    Drug related, of course. The white belt guy looks like he might have been the cutest one. He has a nice ass at least. But don't you just love how they were lined up and shot?
  13. JValdez

    Behaded in mexico complete with cock shot

  14. S


    This morning I was working in the yard and a young man was walking by and asked directions. This being a rural area, he had clearly walked some distance to get this far and was asking directions to a city thirty some miles further. He had been released from jail earlier and had to walk to get...
  15. M

    The most dangerous drug in the world: 'Devil's Breath"

    Chemical from Colombia can block free will, wipe memory and even kill Scopolamine often blown into faces of victims or added to drinks Within minutes, victims are like 'zombies' - coherent, but with no free will Some victims report emptying bank accounts to robbers or helping them...
  16. Craigie Boy

    Mexican beheading video - very slow and gruesome

    I don't know whether this appears elsewhere on the site. Definitely not for the squeamish! http://robert-lindsay.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/mexican-drug-gang-beheads-man.html?zx=c88f6eaba0929a5d
  17. Meatpie

    Lost his head at 22

    Risks of being a drug dealer and not paying your debt in time.
  18. M

    Popular Porn Actor Dies After Struggle with LAPD Officers

  19. satanic-cumshot

    Immigrant from spain and italia captured in Boat by algeria police Marine

    fuck i can't beleive this ,yesterday the algerian marine police captured 14 immigrant in diffirent boat ,they are spanish and italian ,they say ,they want a job in Algeria ,we have a lot of poor people from spain and Italie work here in my city ....Now the immigrant they come in my country from...
  20. phyzzique

    Drug dealer José de Melo, 23 anos brutally killed

    Hottie Joey's head was half shot off