
  1. phyzzique

    Good-looking Mario executado

  2. Meatpie

    Summer Morgue

  3. D

    Hunk Belly-Stabbing Self

    Click image for larger. Here's my latest hunk self stabbing. For clip: (265 mb download): Frank
  4. BlackWorld

    Three young thugs shot dead in a confrontation with the police

    Guess sometimes dirty can be hot too. :tognue2:
  5. Tecpatl

    Lean Meat: a cannibal serial killer story

    On a recent episode of Dexter, he kills off a reasonably hot serial killer who preys on fit young men for food. Unfortunately we don't see any of his kills, just the contents of his fridge. And Dexter kills him offscreen. I thought he deserved more so I wrote a backstory about him. I've cast The...
  6. S

    Any cardiophiles?

    Hey, I'm hoping there might be some cardiophiles here! I don't mean like "I want to listen to your heart beating" cardiophiles, but the "I want to cut you open and see your beating heart, I want to touch it, make it suffer, maybe even stop it" kind. And to the people who don't know...
  7. jon_b

    Big Bear in RTA

    Big Boy Ivanildo Santos da Silva died when the car he was travelling in went out of control and rolled - killing 2 and serious;y injuring 2 others. Ivanildo was aged 39 :shock:
  8. actiondudenj2


    looking for dueling oppoents-co2,bb,air soft-aim for my belly hole. I wear tite white t shirt,jeans, boots.
  9. phyzzique

    Young handsome Emiliano da Silva comete suicidio

  10. phyzzique

    Fit Lourival dos Santos shot to death in the face

  11. D


    Here's the first of my new series as an independent, Young Gladiators. Look familiar? It should!
  12. S

    Young Boy alone at home

    So sweet...:tognue2:
  13. Meatpie

    Killer tries to flee with stolen car but crashes into a wall and dies

  14. M

    Hello everyone.

    Hello to everyone! I'm new to this site. I have this strong kind of fantasy: I'm soldier into a fictional war. We had lost and I try to surrend, but and an enemy soldier girl is killing me by thrusting and jerking a bayonet into my bare unprotected belly (and entrails), saying she's sorry but...
  15. B

    A day at the job /story/

    Hi! This is a little story i wrote and I hope you like it! The executioner looked at the schedule and decided that today will be a busy day. Four hangings in one shift were a lot of work, he thought, and went to prepare the room for the executions. A few hours later everything was ready - нe...
  16. J

    Random Belly gutting

  17. Tecpatl

    Swimmer's Build

    An ultra-short story: "Swimmer's Build" For once the boy's ad didn't lie. He straddled slim hips. Long muscled arms were tied to the bedposts. The smooth strong chest heaved and strained for air. His hands were locked on the young neck. The eyes knew there was no hope. But the body fought...
  18. S

    Ultra-Short Stories (100 words or less)

    Hey guys I thought I would start a small liberary archive type of thing going here for those who want short but sweet stories to fap to. This is open to all who want to post. So if you've got a short story you want to put in here go right ahead. So as I'm the first person to make the thread I'll...
  19. phyzzique

    Handsome 21 yo Ridjeu da Silva assassinado

  20. Tecpatl

    Tender Death, a story of killing and necro love

    Nick didn't want the boy to be afraid as he died. But he had to die. That was decided in the white hot lust that passed between them when their eyes met. In the exquisite perfection of the boy's body beneath his clothes. Such beauty must not be allowed to fade. So he bought the boy a drink and...