
  1. Meatpie

    Freezing Weather Kills at Least 124 People in Afghanistan

    At least 124 people died in freezing temperatures in Afghanistan in the past fortnight, Taliban officials say.
  2. Meatpie

    Powerful Quake Kills over 1,000 in Afghanistan

    A powerful earthquake has killed at least 1,000 people and injured 1,500 in eastern Afghanistan. Pictures show landslides and ruined mud-built homes in the province of Paktika, where rescuers have been scrambling to treat the injured. The quake struck shortly after 01:30 (21:00 GMT Tuesday) as...
  3. Meatpie

    Dead Insurgent in Afghanistan with Big Hole in Head

  4. Meatpie

    In Recent Weeks More than 21 Were Killed in Clashes between ISIS and the Taliban in Afghanistan

    Provincial officials in southern Kandahar province said that the Taliban officials conducted large-scale operations against ISIS-K fighters in four districts of Kandahar province on Monday night, November 14. It is the first time that the Taliban launched operations against the Islamic State of...
  5. Meatpie

    Taliban hang bodies as warning in city of Herat

    The Taliban say they have shot dead four alleged kidnappers and hung their bodies in public squares in the Afghan city of Herat. The gruesome display came a day after a notorious Taliban official warned that extreme punishments such as executions and amputations would resume. The men were...
  6. Meatpie

    Aftermath of 2021 Kabul Airport Attacks by ISIS

    On 26 August 2021, two suicide bombings occurred near Abbey Gate at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan. The attacks came hours after the United States State Department told Americans outside the airport to leave due to a terrorist threat. At least 72 people have been...
  7. Meatpie

    Young Man Kidnapped and Murdered for Ransom in Afghanistan

    His family was poor and wasn't able to raise the amount asked.
  8. Meatpie

    Avalanches kill more than 168 in Afghanistan

    For a third day in a row, heavy snowstorms caused avalanches in the Panjshir province on Thursday, bringing the total dead to 168.
  9. Meatpie

    Boy urinating over dead suicide bomber in Jalalabad

    Dozens of people were killed in a suicide bomb attack in Jalalabad, Afghanistan on August 6, 2013. Huge crowds gathered shortly after the blast, a boy urinated on the dead suicide bomber as adults cheered him on.
  10. Meatpie

    NYC soldier cute as a model killed in Afghanistan

    Staff Sgt. Michael Ollis, 24, of Staten Island was killed in Afghanistan Wednesday. An Army carry team carries the transfer case containing the remains of Army Staff Sgt. Michael H. Ollis upon arrival at Dover Air Force Bas in Delaware Saturday. Flags on state government buildings will...
  11. Meatpie

    Should USA strike Syria?

    The Pentagon is making the initial preparations for a cruise missile attack on Syrian government forces but Obama has the final word. The UK and other nations are also preparing for war. Should the USA strike Syria? Please vote.
  12. ArrowMan

    PRICELESS ANTIQUITIES destroyed in Egypt

    Once again, priceless antiquities from mankind's ancient past are being destroyed in the Middle East. This time in Egypt. Mid Eastern countries many years ago decried...
  13. Meatpie

    UK soldier and veteran suicides outstrip Afghan deaths

    More British soldiers and veterans took their own lives in 2012 than died fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan over the same period. BBC Panorama learned that 21 serving soldiers killed themselves last year, along with 29 veterans. The Afghanistan death toll was 44, of...
  14. yourtrophyhead

    10 & 16 year olds beheaded...
  15. ArrowMan

    CHICAGO: MURDERS galore!

    (click image for larger photo of how Chicago skyline looks today in frozen brutal winter here) Chicago MURDERS are approaching an all time January high in brutally frigid Chicago!! 42 MURDERS so far, making January 2013 one of the deadliest of ALL in freezing subzero Chicago !!! Just a few...
  16. J

    Prince Harry...

    I love Prince Harry alive, but i also love the idea of him not so alive...Anyone else share these thoughts? I'm torn...
  17. Meatpie

    Terrorist bombing in Afghanistan

  18. S


    no other info.
  19. Meatpie

    Insurgent with .50 Cal Through the Chest and Head - Afghanistan

  20. ArrowMan


    VIOLENT WEEKEND in CHICAGO ANOTHER violent weekend in Chicago has just ended on July 2nd as the HEAT SOARED in Chicago ... NINE killed (including a three yr old boy) and at least 17 critcally wounded: MORE...