Adam's Apple Collection

Hot, nice, would love to put my thumbs just under that sexy bulge
I want to massage, kiss, suck, and squeeze all of them woof!
I just want to take my Boner and laid across her Adams apple as I squeeze their necks
It is not hard to find where to put the rope ligatues when strangling these guys. The valley above the apple is deep.
16 year old student Maria Giannakidou called 911 at 23:30 , on June 10th 2024. The paramedics who received her call report that she was in a state of complete shock, claiming that her boyfriend suddenly lost consciousness. When experts arrived at the scene of the accident, 17 year old Harris Pappas was pronounced dead. Autopsy revealed severe bruising at the front part of his neck. After police's investigation Maria was found suspicious and full access of the texts and emails between her and her late boyfriend were gathered giving the answer to the mystery. The 16 year old girl was very excited with her bf's big adams apple. Harris was fluttered and offered to give her pleasure by inserting his prominent larynx inside her vagina. Maria agreed and decided to put her reproductive organs on her boyfriend's neck. Unfortunately, the sex position led to the tragic death of the young man.
