I've always considered myself to be 70% gay, and 30% straight. I have an active sex life with both men and women, and find I enjoy different things with men than with women (believe me, cumming in a warm moist pussy is like heaven, but it's no substitute for romping around with the firm hairy muscular body of a hot guy), although my fantasies are (almost) completely gay. A male body penetrated by weapons gets me off anytime, but I never fantasize or make photo manips of women (alive, being killed or dead). So maybe physically I'm really bisexual, but in the mind I'm 100% gay (or 100% screwed up, of course).
I am gay and I too have served in the army and had had a relationship with a woman and we are still friends. I have a few long term relationships and I like being who I am a man that has a sexual relationship with other men and the joy of having good friends with both mean and women
I'm not one for labels, but if I have to choose I would define myself as predominately gay although not exclusively as I would have sex with a female under the right circumstances and I enjoy straight porn. However, I do not consider myself bisexual.
I know I am gay but girls still ask me out but I always break their hearts. I wonder if it is not obvious that I'm gay ?
Definitely gay, although for some reason I find boobs fascinating. My mom is gay too, married but gay. My dad knows and supports her. So me being gay isn't a big deal to them.
Yeah it makes for an interesting dynamic. She also knows about my interests and shares the fascination with death part and she used to be a drag king doing covers of metal music. Fucked up huh?
Not fucked up at all to me - really good to have parents that understand.
Yeah it makes for an interesting dynamic. She also knows about my interests and shares the fascination with death part and she used to be a drag king doing covers of metal music. Fucked up huh?

Spectacular family, would make an awesome TV series on HBO far better than Six Feet Under titled "Necro runs in families"