Fuck Islam, that is my opinion. This shit really does not belong to 21st century! If you search, you will see all muslim nations are backward idiots, and those who have oil, buy western Technology! Remove the money, and all is left is a bunch of barbaric monkeys!
Having said that, I enjoyed the gore though! thanks for posting.
Fuck Islam, that is my opinion. This shit really does not belong to 21st century! If you search, you will see all muslim nations are backward idiots, and those who have oil, buy western Technology! Remove the money, and all is left is a bunch of barbaric monkeys!
Having said that, I enjoyed the gore though! thanks for posting.

I agree, I'm conflicted... Islam is the most barbaric religion in existance today.. the religion of peace is only good at one thing, killing. (Of course, in the past Christianity was no better...) These guys could have been snuffed for wanting the right to vote in open elections or for killing soneone. Or for growing pot or being gay or having sex with a girl or converting to some other religion or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time, all of which are valid reasons for exicuting someone under Islam.

But then I see clips like this and I'm amazed... I litterally couldn't stop myslef from cumming. And then I think, what do I care why they were beheaded? They were hot (especially the first guy) and I totally got off on it. I guess in the end I figure, I didn't cause it, and it has already happened, so might as well enjoy it! Nothing wrong with that.

BTW, anyone on CDG know arabic? It would be interested to know what was being said....
Lots of good vids in ync, i think. but wondering why its not opening its blocked in my laptop but opening at office. im not good in IT.
Agree that it is sad and barbaric. But impressed at how brave the first guy is, especially. It is obvious he is feeling it at the start but he dies with his eyes open as if he were willing them to keep seeing. Very wrong but if it has to be done to you, dying as the first guy does is something to be proud of.